many are attracted to the black pills I don't understand why they wouldn't want the truth to be revealed as horrible as it is. Do so like Putin does then it can be eliminated. is this called cognitive dissonance ?
many are attracted to the black pills I don't understand why they wouldn't want the truth to be revealed as horrible as it is. Do so like Putin does then it can be eliminated. is this called cognitive dissonance ?
I think you mean the Blue Pills? The Matrix didn't have black pills! :) In any event, I think the reason they don't want to know is because their whole lives would be upended. It would be like being in an Earthquake and having the ground kicked out from under you. Or maybe a better analogy would be if you were drowning and you could not tell which way was up or down. It's as if their whole world has lost touch with reality and that scares the CRAP out of people. Some of us can deal with it, some of it any way, others just can't. I also think the DARPA Psyop that was run on masses of people through the TV constantly really worked! Have you seen the video by After Skool about Mass Psychosis? It helps so much to see how Fauci and the CDC/FDA Crime syndicate did it.....and probably have done it to many other countries when they wanted to control them. Here is a good link to a wonderful explanation of Mass Formation Psychosis.
many are attracted to the black pills I don't understand why they wouldn't want the truth to be revealed as horrible as it is. Do so like Putin does then it can be eliminated. is this called cognitive dissonance ?
I think you mean the Blue Pills? The Matrix didn't have black pills! :) In any event, I think the reason they don't want to know is because their whole lives would be upended. It would be like being in an Earthquake and having the ground kicked out from under you. Or maybe a better analogy would be if you were drowning and you could not tell which way was up or down. It's as if their whole world has lost touch with reality and that scares the CRAP out of people. Some of us can deal with it, some of it any way, others just can't. I also think the DARPA Psyop that was run on masses of people through the TV constantly really worked! Have you seen the video by After Skool about Mass Psychosis? It helps so much to see how Fauci and the CDC/FDA Crime syndicate did it.....and probably have done it to many other countries when they wanted to control them. Here is a good link to a wonderful explanation of Mass Formation Psychosis.
Thank you that was very helpful. Now I will go out into the garden and talk to my kitties they answer back "we know !"