Totally agree. Since the passage of the USA Unpatriotic Act or before, this has become a police state. Very sad 😢

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It's dormant for now (locked away, unconscious) but the idea isn't. That's what drives so many of us to keep fighting the corrupt fascists in government.

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"Bye, bye American pie. Drove my Chevy to levee but the levee was dry."

Don McLean was correct.

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We live in an illusion of freedom. Not one man/woman alive has experienced the American Dream. It's been usurped and purchased by foreign entities. Due Process is a joke that keeps judges, lawyers, and cops laughing daily. One man, with the help of many great men have been righting the wrongs to give us back our freedom and our country. To the Demons wearing black robes trying to stop it ; your blood will be spilled, your bodies will be stacked high,covered in gold fringe and burned to ash. We will celebrate your end long before we would take up arms against each other. They need to pray for Trump to be back in office to keep this from happening...

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The last three years have been eye opening for many, we've only begun to correct the wrongs.

Have faith brother !

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Geez! talk about a downer. Yes, I know all these things have happened and are happening but it sounds as though you have totally given up. I still have hope. Not of returning to the world I grew up in but some form of normality. If not, God has spoken and we get what a godless society deserves-a world without Him in it. He will pull you for so long and then let you have your way. He is our last hope. So, if you do not know Him, it would be a good time to start. Wisdom is the knowledge of God.

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I was just about to say that, as I acknowledge that all of these bad things are happening, but I also believe in a God of Miracles & Blessings, and I fight every day for every person He has me doing His Will for, and I have pissed off the enemy royal! LOL! If you are connected to Jesus & the Holy Spirit, and ask for Guidance & Wisdom, you will be able to bring forth the creativity to turn things around, and I have done this 16 times with businesses that were either in Special Assets (where the Bank is getting ready to call in the loans and liquidate it,) or in Bankruptcy Chap. 7 or 11, and then I double them in size and saved thousands of jobs! I am a soldier in the Army of God, a prayer warrior, and I am doing things through Christ whom strengthens me, and people are dumbfounded how I know/can do these things when they don't understand who our Creator is and how much He loves us! Please fight with us, and be more than a conquerer through Jesus, as it would be a lot easier if I didn't have to carry so many kicking and screaming to Paradise! Many Blessings this Christmas & New Year's!

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I listen to this after my other prayers every morning for a pep talk!

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Exactly and it will get worse before it gets better.🇺🇸🙏

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Hey, Dude! It's been this way for DECADES! The American Dream was just that...a dream. It's just that now that people are beginning to wake up from it. I was one of those back in the 60s who cried foul when the Warren Commission Report came out...one of the original "conspiracy theorists." When we wouldn't shut up, we were shamed into silence by the CIA with their edict proclaiming anyone who challenged the "official narrative" was some sort of nut case not to be taken seriously. Of course, their edict has been shamelessly scrubbed from the internet. No, those of us who are left from back then are sitting back breathing a sigh of relief that FINALLY more and more people are now recognizing what's been happening all along in this country. Relax, man. This show's about to wind up now that the Zionist Mosaad is being exposed for who THEY are...hiding behind those in power...from the press to all politicians, business leaders, academicians, etc.... manipulating them via blackmail and/or bribery in order to control the world. Their gig is about up...finally!

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💯 an I'm tired a the slaps in the face.

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