I pray you are correct AND that this move by RFK Jr / Shanahan is genuinely in support of Trump / MAGA and NOT to covertly infiltrate the campaign with an ultimate goal of undermining and leaking (exposing) #45's carefully constructed strategy to destroy the Deep State / Global Cabal.

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Let us pray it occurs as you narrate.

Lord help us please and let YOUR LIGHT shine upon us, your humble servants and our Republic in need of your divine intervention and presence. 🙏

From the beach....


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Seems to be a good move toward a unified movement toward a more peaceful and just world among those who see what a dangerous fix we are in now.

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We just need to keep her ass from winning!

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Shanahan flipped?or deep shit mole?

JFK Jr. CiYA Chief?

Or Health czar?

The ending won't

be for everyone.

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I think they are both real! If it wasn’t for RFKJr abortion stance and him being potentially bought and paid for by the green lobby, I might be for him.

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With Donald stating that critics of Israel will not be admitted to the US, and those critics already here will be deported, it seems he is in that regard doing exactly what the Deep State does, a contradiction which Donald has demonstrated before.

Is advancing the Israeli agenda really in the best interests of the US?

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