We see truth being attacked. Ha it's way too late. People already know the truth.

This Atlantic propagandist has no fear of God. An want to sell books that lie to humanity. The Bible clearly states truth. Every knee will bow to Christ. Everyone on the planet will answer for what they did here to the living God.

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They have failed and continue to fail in real time. Counter this bs by writing an op-ed about her book being all lies. I will repost it many times over and her book won't sell. I would love to spend some time out of my day to stick it in her applebaum...

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You should sue her for slander…

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Victoria Nuland, retired war monger, admitted to Congress that the USA did have bio labs in the Ukraine and she was afraid Putin would get to them. This was near the beginning of the Ukraine War.

You stand tall Clandestine, you are over the target.

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Don't stop fighting, and I am not clever enough to think up how to have a Social Media type of Exposure campaign, other than telling the Truth to expose these people. Yes, you could be more direct and possibly pursue Slander Libel civil Suits, but maybe let the story line develop and maybe She is too little way too late and maybe their Desperation and obvious willingness to Lie and Deceive will help to be their undoing. Exposure may be best option and I will Share this post to do what small bit I can. I am still not on X and I don't intend to be, so TG, TS, and Substack is where I get your posts. God Bless and may Truth shine on your Efforts Clandestine~!

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Totally speechless. Did it escape Applebaum's attention that Victoria Nuland admitted to the Biolabs - not to mention the public disclosure of CIA bases in UKR along the Russian border?

Reading through the great comments - I agree you might sue. It's also a method for the information to be publicly confirmed in disclosure.

On the note of the effort to discredit you - please stay safe. Hope there's someone close by to watch your six.

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Judge for yourself. Here is some background. The Pentagon’s program.

Since 2005, the U.S. has partnered with Ukraine through the Pentagon’s Biological Threat Reduction Program. The purpose was (and still is) "to support peaceful and safe biological detection and diagnostic capabilities and to reduce the threats posed by pathogens," according to a March 2022 government fact sheet.

Andy Weber, a member of the Arms Control Association Board of Directors and a former assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical, and biological defense programs, said at the time there were no U.S. military-run labs in Ukraine but rather health labs to help detect, prevent and mitigate infectious disease.

The Defense Department’s Cooperative Threat Reduction program "has provided technical support to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health since 2005 to improve public health laboratories, whose mission is analogous to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," Weber said."

So, unlike the lab in Wuhan (13 million people) , the capital of Hubei province 25 million people total), 46 Ukrainian labs were not curated or assisted by NIH or CDC who would be, one thinks, the most appropriate fiduciary partners for such a sensitive world health protective endeavor.

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Send a cease and desist to the publisher to remove it from the book or you will sue for libel. These corrupt clowns are saying what they want when they want to whomever they want. Zero accountability. Set up a give send go to fight it if you have to. I am one of many tired of their BS.

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Over. The. Target.


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Failed indeed - they have!!

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I am always surprised the Atlantic isn’t behind a pay wall. Kinda wish it was so I’d have a good excuse not to read it.

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You would have to be pretty ignorant at this point to accept these lies and propaganda regarding the biolabs in ukraine after Vic Nuland's admission regarding them which went pretty much viral. A number of other reliable sources since then have also come out and validated the truth of it. These ugly liars have some pretty dark and ugly karma coming to them and it can't come soon enough to suit me.

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Before I get very far: “Pulitzer Prize winning” ????

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She's insane;

the andrenochrome went to her head.

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I think that the hardened indoctrinated believers won't change their minds under any circumstance. But for the majority, we see the lie and Europe is turning away. Let these sad pathetic self enriching wannabes make fools of themselves, their time is up.

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Make that lie big enough for long enough and you’ll be believed. SOP for Nazis. Apparently they think the evidence that has already been broadcast isn’t good enough.

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