I have believed that since the beginning of the ‘special operation.’ Biden & NATO poked the bear until he had no choice. Putin is far saner than the lunatics running this country right now. He & President Trump got along very well.

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I am so happy that Tucker finally got this interview! And I cannot wait to watch it! And that's what the deep state is afraid of, but I don't think they can do anything about it at this point. I was listening to the Valuetainment podcast today where they talked about all the trouble Tucker has gone through just to get this interview. The deep state was actually intercepting his signal messages. So now you know nothing is private nor inpenetrable. Kudos to Tucker! He is a national treasure!

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Gangster’s Paradise is the best way to describe Washington DC!

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NATO and the US are the bad guys.

Europe has never been able to take care of itself. Two World Wars. Perhaps a third in the works. Seems we are getting close.

NATO is an anachronism. It has been milking the US financially since 1946. It has failed to stand on it's own. The EU sucks.

Putin gets it. And Russia was our ally in the first two World Wars. Hmm.🤔

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Welcome to the great awakening! Let the red pills rain down as we don't have much further to go!

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Agree completely with your assessment. What ever Mr. Putin may have been or done in the past I have seen him show admirable restraint, respect for family and spiritual values that once meant a lot to most Americans, and has earned the hatred of humanities greatest enemies, the globalist, satanic psychopaths who are killing our people without mercy and plundering the world. I have been to Russia and met wonderful people there, friendly, helpful and potentially our greatest friends and allies if we had sane leadership. I do hope that Tucker's interview gets the attention and consideration that it deserves.

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It is so sad that we only have Tucker Carlson on the elite journalism level searching for truth. I am grateful to him. We have many good independent journalism, but there is no way they could have gotten Putin to sit down with them.

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I cant wait. Tucker will ask the hard questions and Putin will answer. Tucker will then disseminate the information and you're right. It will be the red-pill bomb of the century.

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Thank you Clandestine. I completely agree with your assessment. I detest being lumped in with the neocon RINOs and the rest of the DC CorruptiCons who've made careers out of demonizing the modern Russia (Putin) for every problem actually caused by Western Globalist / Deep State/ DC corrupt Warhawk interventionism and See Eye Aye- planned color revolutions. Putins long speech just prior to his measured military movement into Ukraine in 2022 was very revealing for anyone who chose to listen with an open mind and employ critical thinking. I do pray that Tucker is successful getting this interview and getting it back to the American people.

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NATO was obsolete the day the USSR disbanded. The purpose now seems to be Hegemony with the US in charge, using economic sanctions as a cudgel and color revolutions to impose globalist governments. Putin stopped that in Belarus. The West is big mad, even more so over BRICS.

Looking forward to this interview & the tactics the West will use to prevent the interview from being heard. (Bill Kristol (neocon) & Adam Kinzinger (idiot/tool) are already making threats to prevent Tucker from returning to the US, calling Tucker a traitor over his trip to Russia.)

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I share your excitement over hearing Tucker's interview of Mr. Putin. I know people have been down on Putin due to the fact that he does have a history with the KGB when it was still the USSR. But, being a smart person as he appears to be, what better position to be in to get the inside pulse on what is going on both in his own country and around the world? If anything he may well have a far greater understanding of the Geo Political landscape from his back ground.

I get frustrated with the MSM always painting him out as a bad guy. Do they think we are stupid and don't realize that the USSR fell years ago and that today's Russia is not communist? As you pointed out, he actually has many traditional values that we the normal American citizens have and value!

It is horrific to realize in listening to the information that Russia has provided to the UN Security Council and see them sit on the info. I've listened to a number of the talks Russia has given there with the "receipts" to back it up, and some of his speeches that have been translated that he has given to his own people. If we could get rid of the swamp creatures in D.C. and get good honest people in our government, I agree that Putin / Russia today could be our greatest ally.

Our country and this world in general has been over taken by a dark, evil group that needs to be taken down. Look at the European people that are pushing back against their foul leaders, much like we are trying to push back against the foul leaders in our country. We can take hope in the fact that there are a few leaders beginning to push to the top, folks like Trump, Putin, the gal in Italy, the gentleman that won in Argentina, slowly the light is beginning to shine, not just in one place, but around the world.

Prayers for Tucker that he gets this interview out and that he remains safe in the process. We need more folks that have the reach that Tucker does to turn that light on brighter and brighter so that we can pull together the "we the people" from around the world and flush out this evil and take our countries back.

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Excellent comprehensive comment.

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Melainia has a big smile! I love this clip and I've watched it a dozen times today.

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I'm hearing on interviews that a lot of people are trying to get Tucker to release the video before he leaves Moscow in case something goes wrong. I certainly hope not.

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Watch Merkel’s face. She knew it was all over for them. The Globalists were finished. It was only a matter of time now.

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I can't wait to see this interview!!!!

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I followed you Clandestine thru the Ukraine mess and felt the same as you do I.e. Putin is not the bad guy. He hates the Deep State and all it has done not only to America but the world! The Ukraine war was to rid it of bio labs and neo nazism as plain as day. That President Trump and Putin get along so well is they have the same mindset about the Elitists and Deep State. What a world this will be when Putin, Xi and Trump team up to keep peace and prosperity. Cannot wait to see Tucker Carlson’s interview. Putin will be enlightening to many who watch. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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