Attempted murder of our CinC Pres Trump


Steele dossier

Hunter's laptop

Election rigged


Ukraine corruption

Ukraine bio-labs

Social media sensor

Pedo marketing

Epstein island


Co-eViL money laundering into schools, hospitals, etc


Facemasks useless

mRNA shot harms

Ivermecton efficacy

HCQ efficacy

Border invasion

And, hussien (he deliberately chose SS code name 'renegade' def TRAITOR -- jokes on him) obama begging for $5 donations from "the little people" (laughing my *ss off at this one)

Oh, and CCP spies

(Huchel, the CA freaks - Pelosi, Feinstein, Newsom, Swallwell - and now the selected vp nominee, who marriend on the Tienneman massacre date so he wouldn't forget an anniversary)

I think we are

on to something


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May the internal polls worsen, and we continue to see a continued diminishing of the "sheep pool". Can't get enough words of encouragement these days so I thank you for your latest.

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Especially when you hear Lawfare Garland broadcasting the continued misinformation from the dishonored DOJ.

From the beach....


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They ran with the biggest pos to take office last time, when stadiums shouted "F@#% Joe Biden" together in sync, they didn't get the hint? The only person who did worse campaigning was kamala. As long as their is another option to kamala people are going with the option...

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Dear Clandestine:


My recent attempt at posting a comment here failed!


Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, California

`-1-650-518-6636 (mobile

terry_p;dberg@yahoo.com (email)

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Their playbook is not successful and their players are inbred. The world’s patriots know both. I’m with the world’s patriots.🙏

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