You are spot on here. There was an election for chancellor of Germany recently. They Right conservative side kicked to snot out of the left decisively. The current chancellor has now refused to adhere to the election results and has made it illegal to be a conservative. Consider this a model so to speak. Keep in mind that they have plans to back up plans and more. There will be bloodshed if they try to not certify and they know it so it is a huge risk for them. The cheat is going to be tried but probably will fail but prove beyond doubt that they stole 2020. So what else is there? War? A real pandemic? (keep in mind that they want most of us gone forever) The last one was a delivery test. It worked well too, IN a few days the infected were worldwide in every single nation. Something may well cause a "state of severe emergency" causing the election to be delayed. Hmm so many possibilities it boggles the mind but make no mistake something huge is coming. Prepare now because it will bad for us. Stock up as best you can. Draw those close to you closer. Try to be ready. 60 days and counting.

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Sept 23

forecasted in every disaster movie for decades (they like to rub it in our faces).

God, working through his Trumpet!

has the Babylonian Rockmen (blackrock, Ironman, Blackstone, Dustmen, Red rock take your pick)

and the

Forever Young /Evergreen

(adreno cannibals)

by the balls.

Show No Mercy dear Lord Heavenly Father.

Politicians looove these 923 numbers too


Now, this Is Getting Weird


But, but, it's all UNHolywood right? It's just enterTrapment ?


Ok, last one

The 923 area code is a relatively new addition to the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), designed to cater to the growing demand for phone numbers in the digital age. Unlike traditional area codes associated with specific geographic locations, the 923 area code is classified as a non-geographic code (NGC). This means it is not tied to any particular city, state, or region, but rather is reserved for special uses across the United States and Canada.

Supranational 923 area code thingy??

I ain't no conpiracy wing nut but ....

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F their "democracy."

From the beach...


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not what he said. he said if Trump loses. he corrected himself. did you not listen?

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It’s called a Freudian slip.

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