Get the popcorn out. Its going to be a spectacle until and if there is an election.

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Got a front row seat to the latest "You Asked For it". This may also be a Wiley Coyote Oscar moment.

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They brought it upon themselves. If they bring in a new candidate, IMO they lose. Half the force is promised to Joe, half elsewhere. Going to make it very difficult for the ballot collectors to know how to fill out all those ballots sitting out gthere in the names of our new "migrant citizens" .

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No wonder the DNC hates the idea of paper ballots and only U.S. citizens voting.

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They're seeing all the money laundering slip right through their greedy, grasping little boney fingered hands..

We were told it would be glorious. ENJOY!!!!

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May God bless them with continued dysfunction.

From the beach....


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The more of it the merrier!

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Does not break my heart .Not a fan of US politics and how the system runs on the flow of money and not for the citizenry .IMHO ,they have poisoned their own well .

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Do you live in a country too small to be infiltrated by a shadow government? Otherwise you likely have similar problems. The politicians in the US are NOT representative of the vast majority of the people. We will return to our Constitutional Republic and we still have our guns. That’s why the attacks on the US are through a wide variety of factors. Blessings!🙏🇺🇸

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Geographically , my country is the second biggest country in the world .Politically we are not that much better than the US ,although there is presently a major difference between the acting government and the government in waiting , and soon ,I might add ,with hope.

Who actually pulls the string in the US ,our country and worldwide is very much the same. Awareness of this is the key that will affect major changes worldwide ,that are about to take place ,I might add . We have to be patient ,of which I admit to having very little as I have been watching the circus for much too long ,at my age .Cheers and blessings from Canada .

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Patriots in control ;)

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I see it being more clever. Keep the drama going through the Republican Convention. Kill the GOP bounce and steal the news cycle. Every bit of this is perfectly timed.

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Perfect example of being led down the path to the party’s implosion; the identity politics has done the rest.

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Their DEI Vice President, Kamala, has turned into quite the 3rd Act for these sleazy clowns on the left. All their Marxist BS is coming back to devour them. It's like watching Pulp Fiction or Fargo for the 1st time. Guilty pleasure at laughing at horrible situations for others. 🎪🍿

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I still think they are going to present the election fraud evidence, which will be real nail the nail in the Dems coffin. Dominion hack confession is coming, which will change everything.

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Excellent description of what was really happening AND exposing (again) the closed doors and minds of the DC elite political class. Thank you. God bless you, Ryan.

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Synthetics manufacturing tears ?




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