Outstanding perspective; I pray for this to be forthcoming. The battle is not over and the fight remains to be fought.

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The day before Trump was shot, there was a $95 million bet against Trump media. now why would that be? https://youtu.be/E-GPSKxiR9w?si=lQl7K4OaaFNkWxGY

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Looks like there was a second shooter... https://youtu.be/LouUbMYb7Bc?si=Hz5NSmblwoHAyVEf

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Yes I agree totally but let us all remember we are nowhere close to the finish line. Don't let up don't sit back and watch. Our challenge is to be ever watchful and active in any way you can. It's simple if Trump wins they will not go away. Pay attention to what they are doing as the left will not ever sit back and we must not either. We must be ever vigilant and make sure the deep state is done for all time. Until we can be sure of that we will not be safe.

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Absolutely, ever vigilant and bring the end to the d.s.

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Exactly….complacent no more.

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And as the AMERICA FIRST mantra is taken up in earnest by those that choose to SERVE our Nation in governors' mansions and state legislatures, I can see a convention of states codifying amendments to our Constitution for term limits and a balanced budget. I believe as an independent--registered as Republican--there will no longer be party affiliations. It's going to be "protect my kids" or not; meddle with foreign powers to our detriment or not; create a thriving economy or not; AMRCIA FIRST or America last

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Hey Clandestine, do you really think they will let Trump win? Serious question. The Crossfire Hurricane documents are the ends of at least the FBI and CIA. Do you actually think the Deep State will allow that to happen? The number of rice bowls that will be burned to ash are large! I appreciate your optimism because we could all use some. Your reporting has been excellent and I really appreciate what you do! Thank you for keeping us informed!

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He always has needed the mandate from ‘we the people’ and it’s looking increasingly likely! We vote out the corrupt, remove all unconstitutional entities from DC, and acknowledge God in our lives and in our country; we will be able to return the power to the people in accordance with our constitution and as Trump vowed to do in his inaugural speech.


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A View Over Time

I love the sentiment. Really, I do. And I pray it could be so simple.

That said, this “party” has been a subversive movement insinuated into the fabric of our society and politics since before the Revolution. It has always been of foreign origin and sponsorship.

It sabotaged the fundamental American philosophy and objectives during the First Continental Congress. That convention was called to amend the Articles of Confederation, not to draft a Constitution.

The Constitution caused more than one fistfight and bitter division among those convened to draft it. The continent could have participated, not merely the original colonies. Its name was not “The First Colonial Congress.”

The penultimate “Constitution” was so pitiful that its objectors and detractors would not even agree to it, much less fight for its ratification until the Bill of Rights was agreed to. These rights were the fundamental principles that were the impetus to capture as constraints on governance that a convention was called for in the first place.

It was intended to be MUCH more definitive than merely the “structure” and “procedural stipulations” of how a government would “operate.”

This subversive cabal fomented the War of 1812 with its intent to eradicate the United States entirely and return its people to the status of subjects of the Crown and those the “Crown” is indebted to. The treaty did little for our nation except end the war, return boundaries to their prewar status and agree we would continue to deal with Native Americans. The US remained subject to maritime impressment of our people and sailors abroad and did nothing to end slavery.

And left the US in debt to the same usury predation that manipulated the “British” empire.

This subversive cabal helped foment the Civil War to expressly disrupt US foreign ties being forged with European and Russian powers regarding trade and industrial cooperation and more specifically to ensure slave trade continued and that the growing relationship with Canada would be impeded.

It pushed the Organic Act of 1871 that repealed the original charters of Washington and Georgetown to establish the District of Columbia and redefine its government structure. There is controversy and argument still that this Act (in combination with the post Civil War amendments) essentially terminated our status as a Republic and effectively reincorporated the nation into a business structure beholden to our creditors, the security held in the form of “citizenship” labor, delivered via tax revenues.

It reinstated central banking and eventually the Federal Reserve Bank. An outfit that is not “federal”, nor a “bank” and which holds no “reserves”.

On and on, a thousand other obscure and inconvenient little facts.

The “Democrat Party” is not even this cult of human bondage’s first name. It’s had many.

Its sponsorships and shadow masters are many, and ancient.

No doubt it may well appear to “implode” or suffer “extinction”, but it’s vast and deep across our world. This particular populist outrage is not its first rodeo.

It merely slithers away into shadow, changes its spots a little, and adopts a new “name” and “personality” and re-emerges. Slowly and cautiously, confident a generation passing provides a new and naive populace to subvert and warp to its will. Ultimate power and influence from behind a veil.

This little missive is not a black pill.

Merely a cautionary tale and recognition that we are far from done with these creatures.

Until we discover the caves they hide in and bring them into the light - and eradicate their systems of dominance, making them utterly obsolete and irrelevant - they will remain, doing what they do. Always surreptitiously and subtly, even as they declare their objectives openly.

Only eternal vigilance and dogged perseverance can eliminate them.

And it will take years, not an election.

So my friends and Countrymen, brothers, sisters and cousins all, if you are not yet wary enough, get frosty.

And teach our children to stay frosty.

We’re just getting started. The hard parts are coming.


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Trump keeps bringing up the election fraud and says We Have It All, and over the last year, and even at the debate, he said he would like a press conference to present it all. I still believe that will be the Trump Card. Time will tell…

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We pay so daily and vigorously.🙏

From the beach....


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No matter what happens it will remain true that the preservation and extension of liberty will require effort of attention, learning, and action. The more of us who understand the principles of freeordered thought and business the greater the possibility that political success will not lead to its own defeat.

Robert Gore, of Straight Line Logic (SLL), wrote: "Multipolarity [real individualism] will proceed full steam ahead, but it won’t stop until there are 8 billion plus poles, call it multi-multipolarity. The age of the state and ostensible control is giving way to the age of the individual and instability. That doesn’t mean that order won’t eventually emerge, but it will be order based on individual sovereignty, cooperation, and voluntarily exchange, or as friend of SLL Leif Smith calls it — freeorder — Order spontaneously emergent from the imaginations and actions of free people."

No political party can get us there, but a strong political victory to drive back the forces of tyranny is a necessity, and it seems to be coming. Now to make the most of the door MAGA forces will open! And thanks to Donald Trump for swinging a big enough hammer to get it done.

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Quite a romantic take on things. Trump is not a Russian asset, he is an Israeli asset. After his conversion to Judaism in 2017, he became the first Jewish President in history. When he moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem he made his best friend Bibi very happy. When he reneged on his promise to get US forces out of Syria, he made Bibi even happier. In his second term if he mandates the wearing of Kippah in the White House and Congress, all Israel First men will give a standing ovation.

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Pakistani servers Awan and Hina.

Who cue?

Saving isreal for last.

Are zios the same as jews the same as hebrews the same as kabbal?

Asking for a friend.

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What most people don't know and what was imperative that they never find out, is that Zionists have existed long before Jews and Hebrews. They ARE the Kabbal/Illuminati/Deep State. Their primary MO has always been to conduct their activities thru their minions -- individuals and/or organizations. In US politics, their organization of choice has been the Democrat party and party loyalists.

When Q said save Israel for last, Q didn't mean the country nor the Jews. They both have been hijacked by the Zionists. Q meant the Zionists who control the country.

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Easy bro. We all know that there is a section of people that will ALWAYS vote Democratic. And we now have millions of new converts that have crossed the southern boarded illegally. Like everyone here is saying, Trump is far from the finish line. And if he does cross it, he needs to borrow the Popemobile and take the oath of office in a bullet proof box. This sh.t is starting to get crazy. I never thought they would get this brazen so far away from the election. But it does make sense.

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"Every revolution happens a little at a time, then all at once." Jeffrey Fry

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forget Trump's potential victories in destroying the Democrat Party, it will be all the illegal activities that they have been doing for the last 10 years that will destroy them. Democrats but the Demon in politics.

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Hey everyone, I just watched this video. I guess there was a $95 million bet against Trump the day before he was almost assassinated. Interesting stuff: https://youtu.be/E-GPSKxiR9w?si=lQl7K4OaaFNkWxGY

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