Do the Dems realize how badly they just screwed themselves?
All of these cases against Trump have done nothing but exonerate him, increase his support, and most importantly, open the door for reciprocity by establishing some dangerous precedents.
They just dug their own graves.
Now Trump and his administration could realistically prosecute anyone they wanted to, and the Dems could not cry political weaponization. THEY are the ones who opened Pandora’s Box.
If Trump gets in the White House, he has the optics, the support, and the precedent, necessary to hold Deep State actors accountable and drain the Swamp.
The public have been normalized to accept, and in many cases cheer for, high-profile politicians being charged, investigated, arrested, prosecuted, etc.
The stage is set.
Lets hope we have republicans who are willing to do more than write strongly worded letters. I have a feeling DJT knows EXACTLY who will be alongside him when he's back in his rightful seat and it will not be the bad actors in round one.
had Trump gone after them when he was in office last time he probably wouldn't be persecuted so much now. I can't imagine them being more vicious than they are right now regardless. Most of the Republicans are bought off and are probably being blackmailed by the demon rats so you'll never see them go after the Dems. I really really hope Trump does this time. He also needs to take out the media. The fake news media.