Lets hope we have republicans who are willing to do more than write strongly worded letters. I have a feeling DJT knows EXACTLY who will be alongside him when he's back in his rightful seat and it will not be the bad actors in round one.

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Yes, and then some.

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had Trump gone after them when he was in office last time he probably wouldn't be persecuted so much now. I can't imagine them being more vicious than they are right now regardless. Most of the Republicans are bought off and are probably being blackmailed by the demon rats so you'll never see them go after the Dems. I really really hope Trump does this time. He also needs to take out the media. The fake news media.

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Those facing justice are, in fact, actually doing the crimes, in front of our very eyes. Precedent set during the pursuit of a Trump crime is going to make their lives miserable. Finally!

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I think you are giving the average Joe Schmo to much credit for voting for the right candidate. Giving your opinion in a poll is different than pulling the leaver in an election booth. Trump packs a lot of negative baggage that make him difficult to vote for. He enjoys using third grade tactics whenever possible (The whole name calling is a perfect example.) and never learns that sometimes saying nothing is the correct response.

I myself wish there was a good third choice for president. But I know Biden can't be elected under any circumstances, so Trump is my man. If Biden wins, and I don't count that out, I am concerned for the fate of our republic.

I made my wife watch a documentary on Hitler Youth today. The left wing of our country is following the Nazi playbook chapter by chapter. Start indoctrination early. Make changes little by little until you have a solid base then drop the hammer.

Sorry, that went too long and covered a lot of ground. I'm just very worried the direction our country is moving.

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Bah - Trump and team don't need the optics or the precedence setting to go after these people. That is essentially crappola to look at it that way. Do not behave like the worst behaviors of your enemies. Follow the law and do what is right. All they need is the ability to show the Corrupt, Deceptive, Dirty Dealings of these weak prosecution attempts. You might say my prior sentence is stating the same thesis as you are Clandestine, and maybe so, but I do think the difference is that he does not need Retribution because someone is motivated to Persecute him politically, but because they are willing to Break the Law to do it. Eh, maybe we are not so far apart on that. Good Day~

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May 21·edited May 21

“Follow the law and do what is right.”

That means President Trump has a veritable smorgasbord of criminals to prosecute, convict and imprison. Most are Democrats but not all are politicians. Many are government officials and employees who willingly and with malice arrested and imprisoned innocent people on Lawfare-concocted and unprecedented fabricated charges. “I was just following orders” should be rejected in most cases. They ignored laws; ignored constitutional rights, and deliberately harmed people for political purposes. Only corrupt and linguini-spined Republicans try to hide behind “being nice” to malicious abusers of power. I say go get ‘em, Mr. President.

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You are candidly correct. I pray it sha come to pass as you have presented. 🙏

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It can't come soon enough. BUT there are so many D's disguised as R's it is shameful. That goes all the way starting at county council members all the way up to the feds. I am sick and tired of those not doing their job. Letter writing and strong reprimands are so school age of them. Impeach and imprison.

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I love your information - your writing is concise and useful.

Thank you so much! -Janet J

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Reciprocity and retribution.

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