Exactly! It’s been the plan for a very long time and it was kickstarted into gear when the true Manchurian candidate was installed in 2009 to begin implementation of the 16 year plan....bringing in illegals was part of that strategy and w now they’ve realized they can cheat enough to win in 2024, they had to ramp up the numbers. Of course, this is only a part of the plan and the other goal with all of the military age young men coming in, will likely be revealed in 2024, too.

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It started over 50 years ago. G. Edward Griffin was trying to alert Americans. The Communist take over is nearly complete. Starts @6:00.


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They will do anything besides run a candidate that people want to vote for. As if the supply dried up long ago. If those immigrant votes went to non democratic candidates, it's game over man. Would it even take much to secure their votes? Probably not, sure they got free transportation, cellphones, and 5k to spend. The elections are eleven months out, plenty of time to be disenfranchised and let down by the sleezy politics of the left. Let's put a 📌 on the topic and return to it soon

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Sad to see this. All I can do Is vote an pray. I'm not going for Congress or any elected officials. Kari Lake won AZ. It did her no good or the people. The cartel stole it from us.

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Exactly Correct. Obama started this invasion so the voter rolls would be packed with 'democrat'votes. Here we are today. This must be ended, before we have another stolen election. There is a ton of proof of criminal intent and action. Who will rise up to get this Big Step done? Considering how low on the intelliigence sca le l democrats are, perhaps President Trump could Register as a Democrat.... and the rats would follow the bit of cheese.... or... hey, it is Christmas day, the day is nearly over, very long day.... I will sleep on it for a less 'ridiculous solution that just might work'. I did enjoy making myself laugh. Good Night to Everyone!

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The way to fix all of this is to fix the corruption in our governing systems.

We can do that in 3 simple steps.

First, we need to build new high-trust systems that we trust more than the current corrupted systems. This shouldn’t be hard to do since all current systems have lost our trust completely (Think about it: Do you trust: government, media, food, medicine, academia, and even science? No).

We propose using transparency, decentralization, results/metrics, and a new technology called human swarm intelligence to build a new network state system as a non profit entity with us. This Network State will be a place where tribes are left at the door, and individualism is maximized and then harnessed with new technology called Human Swarm Intelligence Technology.

This is a mouthful, but we assure you we can explain it all.

Isn’t the corruption of our systems something that we should all agree to want to get rid of? All sides, races or other labels should agree on this one thing, and fix it, and see how much better we can solve the other problems once our main computer is no longer corrupted.

Let’s start there. Let’s silence all of the other problems - the hot button issues, etc - and unify over this one problem together: Fix the corruption.

If any of this interests you, we are looking for other Problem Solvers to help us solve this. As a group. In a brand new digital society called a Network State.

We have two choices, right?

:1) we can keep complaining about the corruption or

2) we can try to problem solve it together, but in better systems than our current corrupted ones

Let’s give it a try. We already have a think tank that has been discussing this for two years now, and this is a summary of what we have so far.

Got anything to add? What’s our next step?


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