Well said. Like you I am watching the great unraveling of the left narrative. They are not coping well. Clinging to what they thought was truth that has turned out to be false. It is poetic. Sadly so much damage has been done I am not sure we will ever see a full recovery.
Well said. Like you I am watching the great unraveling of the left narrative. They are not coping well. Clinging to what they thought was truth that has turned out to be false. It is poetic. Sadly so much damage has been done I am not sure we will ever see a full recovery.
We can’t see a recovery because going back to the way things were, well, they way things were is wrong. We lived in a world of lies and manipulation. Let us pray we do not recover. Instead, together let’s walk through the doorway to our new world. Some will enter later, some will never enter. There is no going back!!
If no going back means to you that they just keep on doing the same shadowy evil garbage they have been and still are doing then I agree 100%. But if it includes not recognizing history for what it is and not what someone thinks it should be and many other things destroyed by this "new normal" then I disagree. I want our history intact and not rewritten by a bunch of people that prefer to forget rather than learn and improve. I have seen nothing positive since 2020's fake inauguration of a fake and lame president. I thank Clandestine for helping to expose it all.
No, I mean the opposite. They can’t continue to do what they have been doing to us, we are too awake. They are loosing their mind control mechanisms, their dark seedy crimes are being exposed, Congress is going to peel them like an onion. There is no going back. Of course we need to preserve our history, as soon as we discover it. What we believe to know about our history is questionable. What we think we know about our technology, our energy, all questionable. We have so much to discover, even those of us that are awake. We have no idea what we don’t know. I hope we find out in my lifetime!
I want to know too but I am also very much afraid to learn what else they have been up to. I know I need to know but I am not sure I want to know. Fortunately I know what most of them do not. God has US in His care so either way many of us will be ok with Him.
Everything is questionable and I question everything (all my life ) and more so now.
Much of what we learn will be beneficial. For example, energy IS free, advanced technology, holistic medical services, poisoning ceases causing medical conditions to improve and food products become safe. Clean air without weather manipulation, freedom of religion, removal of main stream indoctrination, better education for children. I can go on and on.
Satan's greatest trick is to convince the world that there is no God and that he his evil self does not exist. He has done a good job of it. As Jesus said, Matthew 7:13-14
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Well said. Like you I am watching the great unraveling of the left narrative. They are not coping well. Clinging to what they thought was truth that has turned out to be false. It is poetic. Sadly so much damage has been done I am not sure we will ever see a full recovery.
We can’t see a recovery because going back to the way things were, well, they way things were is wrong. We lived in a world of lies and manipulation. Let us pray we do not recover. Instead, together let’s walk through the doorway to our new world. Some will enter later, some will never enter. There is no going back!!
I am finally understanding that I cannot go back to normal, it actually never really existed.
If no going back means to you that they just keep on doing the same shadowy evil garbage they have been and still are doing then I agree 100%. But if it includes not recognizing history for what it is and not what someone thinks it should be and many other things destroyed by this "new normal" then I disagree. I want our history intact and not rewritten by a bunch of people that prefer to forget rather than learn and improve. I have seen nothing positive since 2020's fake inauguration of a fake and lame president. I thank Clandestine for helping to expose it all.
No, I mean the opposite. They can’t continue to do what they have been doing to us, we are too awake. They are loosing their mind control mechanisms, their dark seedy crimes are being exposed, Congress is going to peel them like an onion. There is no going back. Of course we need to preserve our history, as soon as we discover it. What we believe to know about our history is questionable. What we think we know about our technology, our energy, all questionable. We have so much to discover, even those of us that are awake. We have no idea what we don’t know. I hope we find out in my lifetime!
I want to know too but I am also very much afraid to learn what else they have been up to. I know I need to know but I am not sure I want to know. Fortunately I know what most of them do not. God has US in His care so either way many of us will be ok with Him.
Everything is questionable and I question everything (all my life ) and more so now.
Much of what we learn will be beneficial. For example, energy IS free, advanced technology, holistic medical services, poisoning ceases causing medical conditions to improve and food products become safe. Clean air without weather manipulation, freedom of religion, removal of main stream indoctrination, better education for children. I can go on and on.
Satan's greatest trick is to convince the world that there is no God and that he his evil self does not exist. He has done a good job of it. As Jesus said, Matthew 7:13-14
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.