Globalist Fascism is the current ruling elites' religion. Mega Multinational Corporations & Banks are dictating to governments what laws to pass or change, and what policies to follow... in exchange for funding those governments' selfish desires. Islam and Christianity are being used merely as tools to keep those religions' respective followers at each others throats and thus distracted from the Globalists' plans to subjugate all western nations and rule them from a central seat of power.

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In fairness the Islamist were murdering, robbing and kidnapping Christian pilgrims. Mohamed did not become a violent leader until after his first 30 years as a merchant seeking knowledge. These photographed leaders appear to be more like pirates than the roughest.

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I'm afraid the story of Islam is similar to that of Christianity. It wasn't the founder who became violent, but rather some of his followers who, in the name of Islam, adopted violence as a means to gain power for themselves.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19

Mohamed was a pedo and is disgusting.

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What is your source of information for that? I'm not a Moslem but do recognize how much anti-Islam propaganda there's been. Just like how much anti-Jewish propaganda there's been. The common thread, of course, are the Zionists who hide behind all sorts of masks.

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The story (legend) of the Twelvers is accepted as a dividing point among Shiates & Sunnie. I believe, When Mohammed was young he was orphaned. I also believe he was raised by a relative. During his early life he worked along the caravan roads. In those days story telling around campfires (like cowboys & indians) were exchange of teachings. In the Koran or the Hadith (stories) Mohammed himself has respect for’ people of the book’ and the family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph. The Koran states there is no greater woman than Mary: not even Fatima, Mohammeds own daughter. I stored my books due to construction but I believe Robert Spencer is an author in my collection. An Islamist of epic proportion is Saladin - A leader recognized like Solomon, for reason. Its complicated. Khadigha is an interesting part of the legend of Islam she is painted as a greedy person. The koran refers to peace then changes. In the Christian religion I believe it is Paul who states, listen to all- keep what is good, discard the rest. If something is good & helps us love the truth & justice then it is good. Keep it & throw the bad away. Check out the expert Robert Spencer. - God sent his only son so that we all could have eternity.

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I support you narrative.

Alan Dulles was a less than forthright human being. What has followed has been a duplicative effort to pick winners and losers globally.

The 2016 election was a revelation. The aftermath as well. 45's Presidency revealed the corruption in the federal government. So the 2020 election had to use multiple prevention strategies to protect the federal government. The CIA was expert at rigging elections abroad. So it used the same tools to do so at home.

Then came J6 and the entrapment scheme and the kangaroo courts in DC.

And the multiple law suits against 45 funded either by liberal USA billionaires like LinkedIn founder Reid Hamilton or dark money funneled through Soros backed prosecutors.

Are you seeing the terrain folks?

The same malicious tactics used by the feds abroad are now being used domestically against it's own citizens.

Wake up America. If you do not arise from your sheople slumber you will awake in a different geography no longer the USA.

Their " democracy " is not the Republic "We Stand For."

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I’m gonna go with pretty much exactly as Clandestine said. I’ve only been around since Korea, and there hasn’t been justification for the use of our military but once, and we failed miserably at that. Cuba should be part of Florida. Otherwise, nope. Nada. Zip.

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Excellent article, and so true.

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Nowadays nothing is a given. Nobodys word is gospel. We Americans are no better than any other person in any other country. Ignorance and blind loyalty to any cause is the toxic ideaology of the occult. If you cannot rise above that thinking you can call yourself an american but not a patriot. Non patriots get on my nerves....

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Proud heretic, agreeing with you yet again.

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Well posted. It's been a horrible awakening. But I'd rather be awake.

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That’s an accurate description of the fascists in control of the western countries! But the vast majority or serfs are not in agreement and, until recently, have been asleep. A few years ago that changed and I consider this will be toppled by citizens who have the right to honest elections..we will be demanding honest counting this time around.

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