Standby! I'm ready to shovel the B.S. out of my way 24/7 this go around.

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Playbook known!

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Yes, they are going to try it again. They established the precedent last time with the riots and covid. The problem is people, mostly on the east coast believe this crap. Diseases jumping from animal to human or becoming airborne is all complete bullshit. They modify diseases and inject them into humans. Should've known after the HIV/Aids scare, it wasn't transmitted by saliva or sexual activity, Just blood. And masks, do people really think a piece of shit mask would stop an airborne virus? That's retarded and if you wore a mask you should be ashamed of your ignorance. Use your brains people, your dependance on men in white coats and the government are what made so many people die suddenly. My girlfriend went to the emergency room for an unrelated issue and they gave her the vaxx through an IV and told her it was for her nausea. She died 10 days later in my arms. So I'm sorry if my words are hurting your feelings but wake the fuck up. They will lie to your face and make money murdering you. They only got away with it because half the country was compliant. Fucking bird flu from a cow to a human oh no I'm a human. I could be next...

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Sorry for your loss, I agree we have been programmed to respect those with the magic white coats and the sacred stethoscope. A close honest look at their "business model" reveals a disgusting profit and prestige racket. It's a sin to heal or cure anything, that can get your medical license and hospital privileges removed faster than anything. Cure a disease or find the actual cause of the illness and you have lost a customer. Treat and manage the symptoms without curing anything and you have a goose laying golden eggs until it dies, hopefully after you have bled the insurance and the family's assets dry. The few honest doctors who spoke up about the co vid lie were attacked, vilified and driven out of the "health" care business.

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Thank you, it really hurts because in the two years since she passed I have found several methods that would have saved her life. MMS drops created by jim humble is one way. It costs $30 for a 6 month supply or you can make 3 years worth for $60. Nobody likes it when you mention the universal antidote...

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I know. I lost my father at 57 and believe that from what I now know he didn't have to die at such an early age. I have used MMS to knock out flu and I know it works, which is why the medical mafia spend so much energy attacking and smearing something so inexpensive and effective along with those who try to share it.

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It's not normal for men to die in their 50's, and almost nobody dies in their 40's...

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I should just sell a magic antedote for this new disease and give the money to my girlfriends son. How many people would buy it if I wore a white coat and glasses?

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Here we go, right on schedule. 6 months out from the election and our wonderful cdc (said with extreme sarcasm) is warning us it’s coming. It will be interesting to see if this “pandemic potential” is what they will go with or create something else to further interfere with the election. Or perhaps cancel it altogether.

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Absolutely they will try it again. There was NO PUNISHMENT for the last time they scammed us with their less deadly than the seasonal flu virus and still they are killing MILLIONS world wide with their mRNA Bioweapon. No one will ever PAY for this SCAM and the insane death toll it is and will cause.

Will it work? I personally don't think so. Many people have wised up. But they will try.

They have to distract us from WW3. As the NATO's Pilots and F-16s are on their way to Russia to give President Putin no choice but to protect his people and shoot them down. Anything to distract the Masses so they won't notice O'bidens starting a Nuclear WAR.

I think the collateral Animal Damage, in very cruel ways, will increase the chances of famines coming this FALL. They'll kill 2 birds with one stone! ( no pun intended) They'll kill all the chickens that are left, and they'll kill the Cows too! A win/win for the WEF/Globalist Mafia. Or should I just say it straight out? The fake JEWS.

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Let them try :)

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Really? Again? Not a chance…:

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Let's see how many people have wised up and Reject this Story for the Lying, Scheming, Manipulation that it is. Yes, I am sure some Tards do still think the corporate media has Credibility. I do not, they have cried Wolf for these Health Scares more times than just Covid. Corporate Media can Go To Hell.

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Just when you think they can't get any more vile... they come up with this cockamamie bull shit! How I despise them.

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Sure does look like they are setting this one up as the next plandemic alright. I've seen some of the scary stories being seeded.

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Yes, they are going to try again because we did not hang them all the first time.

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Is that the same guy who got pink eye? It’s called conjunctivitis which can be caused by a myriad of things, viruses, bacteria etc. it’s very common and no cause for concern unless you’re trying to create a pandemic out of thin air.

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