You said it and we concur.

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They have certainly worked hard enough for the day of reckoning that they have coming. Bring it on.

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I get what you mean Clandestine, but with some of that inflammatory MSM rhetoric, I think there are a fair amount of potential Trump leaning normies who may be more prone to the Fear Mongering. In particular the notions of: Directing DOJ to prosecute political opponents (we know that is not really the correct spin on what Trump intends), and same with Replacing career civil servants with hard line loyalists. These career civil servants do need to go and for my money, their role or function does not need to be replaced. But we don't want just loyalists put in positions - what is they are loyal too? Trump, Republican Friends - some other personality or politician? We need smaller govt and servants loyal to the Republic and the Constitution, not any other political ideology. I do hope you are more correct and enough people do get it to make the difference. Just my thoughts!

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That is an excellent point for we citizens to remember. I was a career civil servant in the military and was part of the 10% that did 80% of the work…made lots of streamlining recommendations over the years (unsuccessfully) and thankfully declined to go the SES route to DC. Most of the bureaucratic agencies in DC are NOT constitutional and therefore must return the folks who are not corrupt back to work in the private sector and the agencies disbanded. NO public sector workers should ever be unionized as there are regulations that cover what is included in union contracts (speaking from experience). Unions, once created to protect workers now have law doing that. The time for unions has ended. Much evil has been perpetrated via public sector unions. Small, honest and transparent government is what is needed….with term limits (just to make sure)!🙏🇺🇸

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Yes. All of this agenda will help the country back to it’s ‘constitutional republic’ roots!

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We ARE sick and tired of it... It's gotten many people in our little corner of the country motivated. And the establishment hacks in our local and state gov't are totally panicked. We can see it by the huge amounts of $$ being spent to try and keep the conservatives from winning their seats. County council - conservatives just won 3 seats from the "R but vote D" and a runoff today to win 2 more seats away from the lefty R's. Establishment R's gave $50k each to people who would run against the State House Freedom Caucus members. THAT was a waste of $$ cause we won 5 out of 7 seats and 2 more are in a runoff. Both runoffs are due more than 2 candidates. In 1 race, 5 were running, the conservative candidate was 16 votes shy of winning (50% +1). It's happening on a local level. Vote the f***ers OUT! THERE IS HOPE!

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We do. And pray so daily.

From the beach...


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Please deploy troops to Demo run cities

Beggining with Ukiah CA CoOp store

where masks were reinstated for workers last week.

F*ck CA pro(A)gressives slave mentality.

I ain't supporting this retarded behavior.

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GM of Coop stated she is following CA OSHA if any worker tests positive for convid the OSHA rules are mandated.

CA OSHA REGS Sacramento—The COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations requiring employers to protect workers from hazards related to COVID-19 are now in effect, following their approval yesterday by the Office of Administrative Law. The new regulations will remain in effect through February 3, 2025

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And “Normies” in CA wonder why so many are fleeing CA that rental truck companies have to pay people to drive the one-way trucks back from FL, TN, NC, SC, TX, ID, MT, among others, I grew up in CA when 20,000/day we’re moving in. Now it’s like The Beverly Hillbillies in reverse. CA needs to wake up. Sadly, not holding my breath.

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You nailed it! Thank you so much.

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🎯 The list is spot on both in scope and order of priority (IMHO)

This isn't complicated to diagnose. The solution strategy is a bit more complex. The tactical plan, however, to actually implement the strategy and attain the goals (in the list) will be the most difficult and time-consuming by several magnitudes. What the colonial patriots had to experience in the 1770's, '80s, and '90s was difficult because of the lack of technology for communications and transportation, but we also are fighting against a far larger, more entrenched and technologically advanced domestic enemy this time around.

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Add to the wish list:

Reverse the propaganda bill that was passed under Obama with a Military Authorization Bill.

And just for good measure:

Support revising libel/slander standards to eliminate defendant's "intent" (impossible to prove) and to include actual harm to the plaintiff.

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