This post deserves a Like just for that Classic Image alone. Look at Zelensky's face and eyes, worried much? You little Bitch! LOL. Contrast to POTUS Trump and it is a classic snapshot. I am curious just how complete the Clean Out of Ukraine really is at this time. I don't think we want Russia to stop or leave until all Bad Actors, Bio-Weapons Labs and facilities, Human Trafficking networks and Facilities are all Identified and Destroyed or Held Accountable as the case may be. Just my opinion. No one wants to let any germ seed of the Satanic and Nazi anti-Human Tyranny to still fester. It is a Big Job to be doing this on a Global Scale. There will have to be a Celebration like this world has never seen in 2025 or as soon as appropriate once this Mission is Accomplished! Pray!

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As long as Donald marches to Bibi's drum there will be no peace.

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Ever heard;

Keep your friends close;

Keep your enemies closer!

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I suspect you may be surprised. That nest of snakes will most likely be the last to be dealt with in his own time, it' serpentine coils weave deeply into every institution of influence they have been able to infiltrate. First things first as the world awakens.

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Remember this is an information war. Things aren’t going to be as they seem all the time to prevent the enemy gaining an advantage, including disinformation. That relationship is very likely to not be what it appears. 🙏🙏

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We must first identify who is enemy and who is friend. Mounds of evidence show the Israeli state to be our enemy. After all, by way of bribery it has seduced 90% of our elected officials to pass illegitimate legislation that is repugnant to our constitution.

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BTW: this post, I completely agree with!

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Maybe not ♡❤️🧡💛💚

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True. Time will tell, won’t it?❤️🙏

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Things happen; I am quite guarded now. What I thought was a good thing ìs definitely not!!!

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Achieving world peace is the main reason they hate him.

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Four and a half months to November 5th !!!

Let’s fkking GO 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Your second paragraph says it all for me.

We know the clusterfuck blonde with the bad hair from GB was sent to implode the Istanbul gathering. Vlad was not surprised. He just smiled and took a deep breath 🫁.

Europe has never been able to take care of its own affairs. The land of Queens and Kings and a multitude of Court Jesters. Two world wars and now on the cusp of a third.

The day the EU and NATO ignored the Minsk Agreement and 44's approval of biolabs in the Ukraine was the day Vlad won. Sanctions my ass. Get real. Did you hear Austin today? What a disgrace especially considering his DEI selection.

From the beach....


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They wanted WWIII. So much gravy to be made. They hate Trump for not only stopping that but bringing them out into the light. Funny because many of them loved him, even visited him in his Trump building offices to beg for money, but that all stopped when he announced he was running in 2015. He shows the world who “they” are and like cockroaches fleeing from the light, they are scattering. Whether Gitmo is really executing them and putting clones and masked fakes in their place, or not, they know their time is coming close to a close. The Fourth Turning explains it all very clearly.

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