Well said Clandestine

Onward Pilgrims

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

Like boiling milk. Long time with milk just slowly drifting around the pot as it warms. Then occasional bubbles. Then, later, more and more bubbles star appearing. Soon, a constant flow of bubbles all around the perimeter of the pot and some in the middle. They get larger and more violent. Suddenly, a mass of bubbles rises up and turn into foam that continues rising quickly and threatens to overflow (unless you quickly pull the pot off the burner).

We are the bubbles.

Slowly at first...then all at once.

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One of my neighbors waved at me 1st time in 7 years...

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2024, the beginning to the end of the power of the deep state. Yes it will take years and like guerrilla warfare, never be finished until Jesus comes back.

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Failure to pull it off will signal "bye, bye American pie."

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How do you feed the public an elephant? One bite at a time. I totally get why this is taking so long, and it's working beautifully!

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One pedo at a time. The unraveling of the web that involves leaders, corporations, religious organizations and governments will gather steam as it’s ALL connected. God bless the truth seekers.🙏🙏

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I sincerely doubt we will ever hear truth from the spin doctors who are in charge until the country is operationally dismantled through corruption and war of some sort. We will be thrust into our own private lives lacking the means of communication we have now and scrambling to bring order into our personal subsistence.

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I've supported you from DAY ONE Clandestine and shared your work everywhere I could.

What's up?

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Holy Moley. WarClandestine Blocked me on my twitter account! https://twitter.com/GhostOfB1A


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