There will never be enough of our money to give to other countries or to feed the war machine. If they doubled taxes overnight it still wouldn't be enough to pay the pensions of workers in ukraine or help israel fend off whichever country they are antagonising today. Congress will never have enough money to launder back into their pockets to fund their own degenerate activities, they will want more.

As it is today we don't have any more to give them because we won't have enough gas money to get to work. No work means we won't have enough money to eat and keep a roof over our heads. So how do my fellow americans want to go forward? Is everyone okay with getting another job to fund some more bullsh#t? Is everybody okay with the way things are now and have no issues within our own lives?

Hard NO, not another dime from me, none of my time or effort either. We are on the brink of collapse and the last thing the government can expect from me is cooperation and unquestioning compliance. Every impulse I have is telling me to be loud and defiant. To be angry and to demand answers. I can't resist it and I really don't give a damn if I have to do it alone. Everyone can do whatever they want with their time and money. We can all have our own arrangement with the government and continue living the way we are today. Or we can all be defiant and uncooperative and demand answers and results. We can all stop feeding the war machine by not paying our taxes, not allowing these crooks to stay in office, and not follow any of their rules, laws, and statutes. Bringing the country to a grinding halt until all of our needs are met and all of our problems are fixed.

And never again have to entertain the thought of giving our money to fix the problems outside of our country...

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Exactly! I am so glad to see that there are others who have finally found the determination and courage to stop funding and serving these dangerous parasites. A simple determined effort to resist and not cooperate in our own enslavement is all it would take. May this message spread like wildfire and lead to a new badly needed golden age.

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Totally ready for the Golden Age to begin. Most of the Federal government has been shut down years ago. Really the only thing holding us up is the people going along with it like it still exists...

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Yes, the difference between superficial appearances and essence. A few of the words and symbols remain with all the meaning stripped out. People go along thinking nothing has changed and wondering why their dollar buys less and less and the quality of life deteriorates weekly as life becomes more and more difficult. Little realizing how they are funding their own ruin.

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Hi Clandestine,.

You nailed it,

It's a wealth transfer.

From my taxed pocket to their deep one.

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Yep. I reached the same conclusion awhile back. Several years back, actually.

The MIC wants to remain in business so their promoters in government help create the situations that require armed conflict to settle. Ok that's oversimplifying, but I think its ultimately accurate .

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Our sovereignty, constitution and freedom is in the way of their one world globalist government plans where you will own nothin , not be happy! because you will be owned, while they own everything while being beyond happy eating the best of steak while rolling up in their sports cars and private planes. Nothing in their plan, nothing at all ! is for the care or betterment of people.

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You are exactly correct. Congress is a clown show. Each member looking into the "me"

mirror and hearing the mirror say ( each member of Congress is given a talking mirror at the time of being sworn in ) " You are the greatest of them all." Each member fawns over the media attention to fulfill individual personal vanity, the nation be damned. This will not end well with the Big Guy being puppeteerd by the Muslim dude from Kenya and his syncophant goslings.

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Yep." Angers anyone aware.

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No argument, mass awareness not only here but worldwide must happen and then remove the power of these insane people to continue to make war.

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Absolutely right!

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That's the sad truth. I stopped supporting them financially a long time ago and it involved a lot of inconvenience and some sacrifice, but after 911 I could just no longer stomach it. I had hoped others would find a way to get out of serving their interests instead of our own as well, but haven't seen much. Maybe that's about to change.

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"free hat". Yes?

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If congress won't shut the criminal government down, then it's up to We the People to shut it down. If enough of us stop paying taxes they will have no choice. Johnson let us down again.

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These bureaucrats have no shame in their quest to rob the U.S. Treasury. An obscure article (obscure because it's unreported in the US) from The Jerusalem Post (JP) leads me to conclude the Iran attack was a coordinated False Flag/Black Swan event designed to ratchet up support for sending funds & weapons to both Israel and Ukraine.

Anyone observing the Iran attack report had to be skeptical of Iran telegraphing the ordinance barrages.

According to a link in the JP article, "Iran informed the US that its attacks against Israel will be "limited" and for self-defense, Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said in a meeting with foreign ambassadors in Tehran on Sunday."

The JP article further states, "The Turkish source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan had spoken to both his US and Iranian counterparts in the past week to discuss the planned Iranian operation..."

The reported result was one injury and limited damage in the midst of a regional fireworks display.

Meanwhile, the political pressure is on to send funds to Israel & Ukraine.

We'll see what happens.


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AMEN! It is the truth.

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Unfortunately nothing will change until there IS a collapse. It's our nature. Then everyone will get pissed off and DEMAND a change. Which will happen for a short time and then revert back to business as usual. And if you change the czar, you just get a different congress which learns how to do business under the new rules. As for WW3, it is coming, and probably pretty soon. If you go to the Bible and go to the very end, you will find everything is pretty much going as written. And it won't be pretty. I write my elected representatives regularly demand change and I am pretty sure my emails are routed straight to the trash bin. But I like doing it now. It's just the kind of guy I am.

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