As a woman who came of age (18) in the early ‘70’s, I can see now how my generation was so indoctrinated to believe that a career and work was tg3 path to happiness. My parents, who grew up during the depression, had no response for me that could change my mind. I told my mother once, “I don’t want to be a mother like you.” I didn’t know any women with careers, but I didn’t want to have to ask for grocery money, have no spending parity, have my homemaker efforts go unnoticed and endlessly repeated. My dad was a good man but he didn’t know how to be a partner any more than my mother, who was passive aggressive and not confident to voice her needs. I got married at age 20 and had a family but divorced at the end of my 20’s and went to school, earning a BA, an MA, and a JD. As if the years I felt suppressed as a stay home mom made me desperate for as much education as I could get. I look back after 25 years as a lawyer and small business owner, now retired from that, and newly baptized Catholic. The Butker speech resonated with me. I would love a do over but life doesn’t work that way. I hope he keeps giving this speech, over and over. Young women and young men (who have been terribly demonized by my generation of toxic feminists) need to hear this before more generations are poisoned by the Marxist propaganda.

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The Butker bleaters are deafeningly silent on the Diddy kicking though … not a peep out of them

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I don't recall seeing much criticism of Kelce pushing the Pfizer death jab.

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Fershure. Thanks for putting this is writing. NFL owners an leadership are commie fookin scumbags.

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You are right on!! Thank you for stating it so clearly🙌

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Agree 100%:)

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I came across this amazing video while searching for something total not relevant to this. I thought you would love it. I am an elderly woman in Georgia, and found this so inspiring, I cannot stop viewing it. Pass it on, if you like. I love your message, please do not s top posting. love, grandma https://youtube.com/shorts/te6NUWY5csE?si=S0UhTjBIZA_FXOb_ it is a baby suddenly reacting to her feelings at her father's grave. simply amazing. God Blesses Us All.

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That’s absolutely true. Plus, the nuclear family unit is the foundation of a successful society.🙏

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I'm so sick of the Butker free for all. As usual, the stupid progs, feeble, single note girls and the paid Dem schills are kicking this to death. For the last time, he's NOT advocating for stay at home Moms. He clearly stated a choice and then let the love of his life know how much he appreciated her priorities. It's about time some REAL Women stood up and applauded because we need more Real Men in this country and we need them now.

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