The Empire of Lies will do whatever it takes to squash this uprising, & they will use all means (however Brutal & Violent) to do so. It is therefore incumbent on Decent-minded Americans to make sure the Empire's Demonic Elite know loud & clear that the People will not stand for any such brutality against its fellow citizens who simply wish for sound application of the Laws of the Land.

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(For those interested)

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone!

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Not interested. Although I appreciate your mastery of cut/paste. 😂

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Thank You for the Kind words!

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I AGREE!!! I have been saying this for the last six months and everybody poo poos me! It would unite "Republicans and Democrats" for good optics and RFK Jr can help put an end to the vax genocide.

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RFK called the NRA a terrorist organization, no way can he be the next in line for the presidency

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Then he went on the record in 10/23 redacting that statement and said he was wrong...

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Yeah, cuz he didn’t want to lose the votes from potential trump supporters

Trump has always said the 2nd amendment is protected. That’s the only reason we weren’t Australia during lockdowns. Too liberal with that. He’d have fight for gun rights before I believe he knows he made a mistake. The 1st and 2nd amendments are the MOST important, without either one the rest mean nothing

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So you think that if he and Trump became Prez/VP that RFK would take away our guns and ban the NRA? Not a chance... this movie has yet to play out so we'll see what happens.

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I don’t trust his stance on guns, he’s done nothing to make me trust his stance on guns. He may have denounced calling the NRA a terrorist Organization, but none of his actions or words have been pro gun ownership, so no, I don’t think he’s a great choice,, I doubt he is the choice

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Art of the Deal, maybe?

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I don't trust Wayne LaPierre.

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Standing with Texas regarding the border is one thing. Deporting the illegals who've entered Texas and the rest of the country is quite another and is only one area in which Trump and Kennedy disagree. Another major area of disagreement is the environment. One of the first words out of Trump's mouth after the Iowa caucus were "Drill, drill, drill." 180 degrees from RFK Jr's lifelong legal representation of the environmental. He's an environmental activist who would be hard pressed to support any drilling. RFK Jr's stance on both of these issues is playing havoc here in California, something I wouldn't wish on anyone.

And those are only two fundamental areas of disagreement between the two. Which perhaps helps explain why RFK Jr. said from the get-go that he would never join forces with Trump.

I, for one, would have a very difficult time voting for a Trump/RFK Jr. ticket, even though I'm a diehard Trump supporter.

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The problem with this ticket is that then RFK is next in line to be president. RFK is a gun grabber, he called the NRA a terrorist organization. I can’t support that at all.

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Do you have anything else aside from repeating a single quote? Trump used to refer to the poison as "a beautiful vaccine". Or are you just selectively outraged?

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I didn’t take the vaccine, and everyone I know that did take the vaccine because trump said it was ok to. Due to the fact that most Americans have their heads buried in the sand and don’t know what’s really going on, they don’t practice discernment, Trump had to say that vaccines were ok. I do believe in the future we will find out the vaccine he was talking about was not actually the compound Pfizer administered. We already know they didn’t distribute the compound they got approval for

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My reply was meant to point out that one could easily seize on a single quote by Trump, the "beautiful vaccine", and beat it to death. You're doing the same thing with RFK.

Comirnaty, the Pfizer product that no one got, was only "approved" in August, 2021 - 9 months after people began receiving shots.

Trump was either in on it (totally unlikely to the point of ludicrous) or supremely played. I obviously believe the latter. That being said, he has to find a way to start addressing the issue. At this point the people who can still think straight are outraged about three umbrella issues. Complete lawlessness and the total breakdown of societal order - the cost of living - and the fallout from the vaccine - injuries and deaths. He cannot run a campaign for the next 9 months ignoring one out of three. The issue isn't going away.

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Not buying your proposal.

I am a Life Member of the NRA.

Oil is gold particularly in this global economy.

We need to be energy independent.

And where the hell would the $ come from for the retribution payments he supports for the "slavery" victims.

I applaud his revealing Fauci/Collins corruption and Big Pharma 's role in the Covid19 false flag operation but beyond that,

"No way, Jose."


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I can say that standing with Texas is the thing to do at the moment and I know that it's completely for optics. The last three and a half years couldn't have unfolded the way they have without the military securing us from the threat of a foreign invasion. We have been completely safe watching a a bunch of random footage that looks more menacing than it really is. So why the hell are we being presented with the idea of RFK and Trump? Biden isn't real opposition and Trump can win no matter who he runs with. No, I am not warming up to the idea and what the f#%& is that snake in the grass flynn doing anywhere near any presidential candidates? None of this is good....

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They would get my vote!

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While a Trump/Kennedy ticket sounds very “Camelot” , RFK is still a liberal. While liberals aren’t as anathema as the new dems are they still are subject to the feminine aspect of government, you know, those aspects that will strip you of the rights to grow, do and thrive, while smothering you with a state that is stagnant.

There are some hard choices to make in the near future, choices that are particularly suited to men who see liberty as a beacon and the state as a pig to be slaughtered. RFK isn’t anywhere near that mindset, I only pray that DJT is.

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As you have mentioned what better team. Love RFK JR. I'd be thrilled.

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RFK is too anti-gun for me unfortunately. I do want to see us take better care of the environment and become energy independent. I believe both are possible

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I have been saying this for awhile. Maybe I heard it from you😉. Friends say he is a Dem. I say not now. He is an Independent. RFK and Trump have a common interest in taking down the deep state. The CIA killed RFK’s father and uncle. Maybe his nephew. They could not cheat enough to overcome the votes from that ticket!

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The one thing (actually, among many) this would do is to destroy the organized power of the political parties. That might return us to the original idea of serving the country for a short period, only to return to civilian life. If this turns out to be the way forward, it will surely be exciting! That is, unless your power resides in either the GOP or the DNC..... Just think of the layers beneath the surface that would be destroyed, too.

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'7 Rays of Light' and 'Legions' prayer card that Flynn carries with him?

Whoa, a praying 'maga' mason and RFK, Jr. - what could possibly be wrong here.

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Lucis = lucifer

BE careful WHO YOU TRUST, do some digging, be curious

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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