A brilliant game of chess!

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Thanks Clandestine for working the long haul, you are appreciated.

To RfK Jr. :

Pls consider Attorney General and subpoena pfizer and fauci.

Never forgive

Never forget.

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Trump will no more subpoena or indict pfizer and fauci than DeSantis did with his GJ. Donald and Ronald are both on the Israeli leash.

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66 phizer schict plummets 80%


More ways than indictments to destroy the khazarian blood lickers.

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To see Bobby Kennedy walk up on stage to Trump with Hero playing gave me goosebumps and such a feeling of being proud to be an American. I love that assassinations, food, and child health care will be Bobby's mission. I pray for Trump and Bobby along with their families and teams to be protected. I hope Bobby's family endures the pressure and harassment they will receive from the Dems. I heard a woman's opinion that the W Hats will let the Dems steal another Pres. election. Let us all feel the evil of her Administrationfor a couple of months, then send in the military. This will complete what Q says that everything must be done 2x and to wake up some more brainwashed zombies. Lord I am so weary now this would be agonizing. What say you here in the comments?

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I agree, i hate the idea of another stolen election, AND Trump Going to jail. Makes my stomach jump into my throat. Patriots are in control. There is no way the cabal is steering all this disclosure. I believe all of Trumps promises and in our military and the 4th Psyop group. They are brilliant. I cried listening to Bobby’s press conference. That’s the America i want for us all. The awake may have more bitter pills to swallow in the coming months, but we are the chosen ones to restore the Republic, we are chosen for a time such as this. God I pray, protect Trump and RFK so they may carry out your righteous plan and heal our Land, in the name of Jesus Christ

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Well let’s hope the 2022 stolen election is the second one?! I certainly am weary too and another stolen election would have the majority of the populations morale in the toilet. It’s abundantly clear support for trump is near 80% with all the polls on twitter that I have seen. There’s no way the math would pencil for them to steal. Better pray hard that scenario you mention isn’t so 🙏🏼

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There is already an attempt by the radicals to discredit RFK Jr. ie dredging up his drug dealing at Harvard 50 years ago to his sex addiction. He speaks openly about his drug addiction, goes to meetings every day. Any attempt by the Harris campaign to make his past womanizing & his late wife’s suicide a “character issue” will result in revisiting Joe’s, JFK’s, RFK’s, Ted’s philandering. Do they want a tabloid-like campaign that will only smear the camelot fairytale? I’d put nothing past these demons.

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They’d be foolish, given that their own candidate is VP Prostitute, her replacement is Tampon Tim from the CCP.

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I like what is happening with RFK,Jr. and 45.



45 sentencing in NYC?


Will there be an election?

Sustainable X and Telegram?

From the beach...


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All part of the awakening,,,, these will be labor pains,,, the rebirth of the republic. We need to take better care of this Baby this time,,,

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Yes, we do.🙏

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I wonder how this might impact any potential debates.

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Let me spin a totally different story that is absolutely unsubstantiated. (Except for in my twisted mind.) What if the plan all along was to elect Biden/Harris and have Biden bow out at the last second due to senility. That gives Kamallagh the chance to debate virtually no one, even in her own party. And slide through the White House through the left door.

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