The Deep State has been exposed and they are afraid of “We the People.” They will be pulling out all the stops to hold on to their power and do everything they can to prevent Trump from being elected in ‘24. Isn’t it interesting that following the January 6th anniversary, two democrats, Senator Markey and Congressman Raskin introduced legislation to stop private Paramilitary Activity? This alone proves that they fear the very people that they claim to represent. Another unconstitutional move.

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No laws that any State or even Congress can pass is a valid law if it opposes the laws of the US Constitution. That Legislation of Markey's and Raskin is ILLEGAL! If it passes...just ignore it and form your militia to protect our country.

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Hope to see these scum like raskin an schitt arrested an hung for treason. The list is too long to post here.

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Nope!! One can tell who might be involved by how quickly the mainstream media attacks!! Things are getting very interesting and we’re only in a couple of weeks.

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Your analysis is correct.

Let us recall a WWI and WWII ally. Russia.

Trump, Putin, Xi and KJU have a character trait in common. Each puts his own nation first unlike the EU bureaucratic money sucking machine.

Europe has never been able to take care of it's own affairs.

NATO is an anachronism.

If we do have WWIII, it will be the fault of NATO and the EU.

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Yes, NATO, UN and the WHO are left over NAZI's organizations from WW2 that need to be destroyed. But It's not the Europeans who will start WW3. It will be because of the global elite/WEF and the UN and the USA (ruled by globalist mafia PUPPETS) who start WW3.

This global Mafia has control over Europe with it's infiltrated PUPPETS. The YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS OF KLAUS "THE LOUSE" SCHWAB.

Europe has never been able to take care of it's own affairs because it was infiltrated and taken over by the Eastern European "Jewish" elite Crime Families a very, very long time ago! They intermarried in every Royal family in all of Europe, then assassinated the rest of the Families and pretended they were the rightful KINGS put there by their "god". They got into and took over every bank and business until they controlled all of Europe. They still control it today,....along with the rest of the "Western World" with their Global Banking Cartel! Who ever controls the money controls the PLANET. They are freaking out because they are losing CONTROL.

They are the very same people we are at war with today. The EU is at WAR with them even more than we are, they are rising up and screaming to destroy the World Economic Forum....the nominal "Head" of the Globalist elite Mafia today. They are the ones who's farmers are being beaten by the globalist Police force as they fight to continue to grow food for the People.

They are way ahead of the USA in knowing who their true enemy is! We are woefully far behind. Most Americans don't even know we are at WAR with the global Mafia, they are still fixated on politics. And they don't want to know either. You have to give the PEOPLE of Europe the credit,....they may have been fooled in to being too kind to refugees and caring about the Environment,....so much so they were SCAMMED horribly! Many will pay for that with their lives this Winter. But they are awake now in droves! And they are trying to fight back. I wish America had that kind of SPIRIT! The only place I see that kind of Spirit is at a President Trump rally. And that's only because they believe in President Trump,...not because they know what he knows, that we are in a global war for the future of humanity. Trump knows though. He knows.

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I agree with "taking out the Deep State" since that is NOT synonymous with taking out all of oir Intel Community. The problem it presents, however, is similar to a brain surgeon trying to excise a series of small, noncontiguous tumors from several areas in a patient's brain, without damaging the brain's originally designed functions. Each of the foreign nations' governments mentioned in the article have long been hostile to the U.S. and can be assumed to always be ready to exploit any weakness they see or perceive in order to gain tactical and/or strategic advantage over us. It will be no small task for President Trump to smoke out the traitors in many cases and bring them to ultimate harsh justice (military tribunals for treason and execution when found guilty).

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I take no exception to your illustrative narrative. I am no fan of collective governance. Such is the EU.

Yes, some members are pushing back. Italy and the Netherlands. And there was Brexit with GB.

America is awakening. J6 was push back of Patriots who knew the election was stolen and were displaying their First Amendment rights but the elites in DC with kind assistance from Pence established an entrapment scheme to create an emergency so challenges to the certification of the election would never be heard. SCOTUS folded on its responsibilities by not giving "standing" to the multiple lawsuits filed. All the world is a stage for the corruption specialists intent on their controlled balance of power in DC.

Trump's America First policies are attractive to many Americans. This writer included. His personality bothers me not. What politician in DC or elsewhere will not run to the TV interview at every invitation? Each is a self fulfilling prophet of righteousness. Sure! And if you have the good fortune of not agreeing with the woke agenda of the Left, the MSM will trash you.

Trump could care less. He ignites a crowd by speaking to the issues in a forthright manner.

I am reminded of his advocacy for the use of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin for the early stage treatment of covid. He was correct. But the sheople followed the fear dictates of government at every level and walked right into the killing fields of non validated vaccines. The complicity of BigPharma , the NIH, CDC,FDA and federal public health icons resulted in the unnecessary deaths of many Americans.

Trump was right on this matter. He is right on the border, NATO, WHO, UN and the national debt.

The globalist Left fears his calling them out.

It may try assassination. Nothing else is working.

God Bless the Donald and his family. Please.

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I find the panic so entertaining! 🍿🍿🍿

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Trump needs to be careful with Orban. I know he sounds great and I was impressed with his speeches...but...he's a Klaus Schwab WEF Young Global Leaders graduate. Trump should tread lightly with him.

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FIFA 2018

Soccer Ball handoff

Putin to

President Trump.

Wayback machine

We have it All.

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Independent Citizen Journalists and Analysts are far better than MSM/legacy media. If you read sub stacks from Ghost of Based Patrick Henry, you are right. There must be a global coalition of sorts that's addressing the "Deep State." It's quite remarkable really, watching farmers in Germany rolling in to major cities and spraying raw manure right onto government buildings! And just think...60-70 years ago in Hungary, it was Russian tanks rolling into Budapest. And today, it's the FARMERS rolling into Nuremberg with manure launchers. Many are awakening from their deep slumber and realizing it will have to be WE THE PEOPLE that must be involved in rooting out the deep state.

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This is good.

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