Mar 2·edited Mar 2

President Trump "They use big tech to censor you, the deep state to spy on you, the intelligence agencies to frame you, the media to slander you ... they rig elections to disenfranchise you... all the while they claim they are the ones defending democracy and justice.

It's all a bunch of BULLSHIT".


from a PROUD White


Christian Constitutionalist Rager

that is ready to

kick some ass.

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There are two issues about the efficacy of a democracy. Firstly you must have a moral and an educated populace and secondly, you must have an open and honest government. I don’t know about you but it appears that America is populated by near 50% morons and we are all being treated like mushrooms. Democracy? No a prayer, we are so ripe for a dictatorship.

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It is war, it's strategic like a game of chess. I know as a journalist you can't commit to things that aren't confirmed. I'm commenting so I will say things and yall can verify it with some research. The war is over, Trump is CIC, we won. Election interference issues are playing out now to show us how corrupt the courts are so we can scrap it all and go back to common law. Trump will be denied immunity and use it to take down past presidents for their crimes, there are many. When the dollar loses its value(soon) the government will shut down with no way to pay our massive debt. BRICS the ones taking down the dollar will do it by controlling the price of gold and oil sending it up. The banks will take the money in people's accounts to avoid insolvency. Bye bye banks. In our crippling turmoil with a lack of competent leadership will come a blackout with EBS and disclosure. I can't wrap my head around how much truth is gonna be revealed but it will also implement NESARA. We will have less than 4 months to have a safeguarded election conducted by our military. All of it mapped out in detail only question that can't be answered is when? Please don't ask when? Any other questions are good, be happy to point in the direction of the answers...

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It is war. I concur.

But you know there are some dark faces in the Donkey woodpile that will lie, cheat and steal IF there is an election.

Time will tell , of course, but as 45 's train rolls forward picking up momentum each day , the dark faces are concocting new avenues of resistence.

I don't trust the courts inclusive of SCOTUS under Robert's leadership so don't count on it.

National emergency? Martial law? No election?

Dark days ahead, I opine. $34T and. counting . It ain't gonna be pretty , folks.

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Minimizing the voting process keeps people away from the polls. I am a poll worker in North Carolina, and I am seeing the result of people feeling detached and indifferent wondering if their vote even counts. This is largely as result of what the Republican Party has done. Please, keep the pressure on to get people to the polls.

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Not only will "they" attempt to steal the election again, but it's entirely possible "they" will order chaos into the streets (a la 2020), rig a war and declare martial law (Russia? China? The ME?) , release another pathogen, or at the worst - assassinate President Trump. NOTHING is off the table and NOTHING will surprise me. He will not be allowed into the WH again.

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That is most certainly true….it is a war for our country and subsequently for the world, based upon a more ancient war between good and evil. We know God wins.

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Ya got that right.

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Truth, the truth is also that we haven’t operated as a constitutional republic since Lincoln declared war on the south.

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