This was only ever going to end one way, and thankfully at least the Russians are trying not to kill non combatents. I hope the Russians get their hands on Zelenski for his war crimes. He will rapidly implicate his masters, a jumped up little man with his money grubbing wife and acolytes need serious jail time

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The EVIL of the world is being #EXPOSED and brought into the light for all to see.

(And it doesn't like it.)

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Best. Movie. Ever.

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Donbas under fire since 2014, NATO had no intentions, nor did they provide for the MINSK agreements. NATO was created to fight USSR, when the wall fell. The intensions of NATO did not change, but Russia did. I have heard the speeches of Vladimir Putin, in one, he states under USSR. The people dealt with the same government ideologies the USA are dealing with today. Russia is a Christian nation, as such, the world is mirrored against the light. Ukraine is collapsing but it's under the hand of Nato.

How many Israeli troops left Ukraine on October 7, 100,000? Nazi troops where are they today? Zionist Israel is a 19 Century political movement they don't represent the Jews. Zionist illuminati are high priests of satanism. Biden is a proclaimed Zionist. The greatest deception is the one closest to the truth. Stand with Israel. Christian hypocrisy, the Word of God states, 'If a man takes a life, his life should be taken". That word starts in Deuteronomy, never mind the act, we are in the spirit pertaining to our heart.

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Sorry Ukraine,

It's U that makes US not work. Goodbye

U can have ben stiller and tom cruise

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It’s been replaced by the new proxy for the cabal & the alternate path to their (cabal’s) profitable WWIII.... This, too, will fail and the plan will be exposed to the world. We know who prevails in this ancient war. God bless you.🙏

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I appreciate your work and the risk it took to tell the truth. Thank you

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