Clicked on the link and this is what was at the top at 4:42 CDT on 12/3

This petition isn't available. Either the URL is incorrect, it violated our Community Guidelines, or the starter removed it.

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That's what I got also when I tried to sign the petition.

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Yes, I shared it and people have replied to me that it is no longer available. Did Clandestine remove it? I kind of doubt that. why did you go to change . org? They are a lefty liberal crap site, just like Move on . org. I suspect it was removed with their weak claim that it violated something. Jokers!

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Probably violated pronoun etiquette and the deep state narrative. LoL.

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Signed and shared last night. Well done, young’un. Going to keep praying for Gods’ divine intervention as well. You folks have a wonderful blessed weekend!🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸❤️

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Signed!! May God give us all the collective strength to rise up together. ❤️🤍💙

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Is it still up? I got a screen that says it it isn't available.

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A few of us were mulling over the current Twitter Files per actual evidence either shown or needed.

One said, "Yes, but keep in mind James Baker when he was at Twitter was a FORMER FBI agent when he colluded to shut down the NY Post's Hunter Biden Laptop story. An attorney representing Baker would say he was working in the the private sector. Therefore no legal link to government coercing Twitter to violate First Amendment.

The deep state gets away with this stuff all the time using Revolving Doors (people moving between private and public sector roles). Baker has influenced two presidential elections now (2016 when he linked Spygate/Russian Bank hoax to Trump & 2020).

However, Elon isn't done yet, so maybe we'll get more, but in order to convict, we need more than smoking gun which is strong, but still circumstantial. We need Direct evidence.

.....and for some reason when I was reading through the Twitter Files, they reference how Twitter was taking orders from "Team Biden", but Files haven't shown any email communications, texts or tweets with "Team Biden." WE NEED THAT."

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I agree! Has anyone heard from Clandestine? I am worried and confused. I wanted to help when change.org took down the Petition and am worried, I don't want to seem like I am working against him cause I want to help. At same time timing is everything, as you mentioned, and again I want to help but am a little dismayed right now too. I cleaned up the petition some, again trying to help, so a little less specific on the Twitter items specifically as I know there will be more than ONE item in there. I posted it HERE for input and have heard nothing and have tried to help those I saw on here that donated money to ask for it back from change.org. and know that Clandestine would tell them to do same. I do not know him or how to reach him besides here and am PRAYING he replies to everyone here soon! I want to help...but if he does not reply soon I am going to go ahead and post the Petition on another site and hopefully keeping his GOOD intention going. I support him and believe in the work he does for us ALL and PRAY I am doing the right thing in Supporting him and everyone. WE NEED TO STAND UP TOGETHER!

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Jacob (Clandestine) hasn't reached out to me. I posted on six of his truthsocial messages and i think on his newsletter, that I had local liberty people who created their own thing. Jacob has never reached out to me. He's not reading his comments, or at least responding to them. that's one way to lose funding.

I never donated money, only signed the petition. All i've done in the last two years is give money to these causes. nobody wants to buy my novel. We're in the "gimmie economy"... gimmie gimmie gimmie. Rand Paul, always months late to anything, posts something and then sends out his gimmie emails.

fed up with it.

And another thing.

this Q precipice thing I just realized is completely flawed.

First off, this Q path to the precipice (and then we'll have the military save you), sure sounds like a collective religion to me (in the future we will save you as long as you SUFFER today).

Moving on, from a psychological perspective, people's spirits are crushed as of the last couple of years, and getting worse. FACT.

Kash Patel for example says "we have to show people". Show = misery, upset people, crush their spirit.

*Didn't people go and voice their frustration with the 2020 election at the Capital, January 6, 2020? What happened to some of those people? --still in jail, tortured. Two years.

WHO is going to risk being thrown in jail forever, without trial? Q team says the people are to show some kind of "revolt" attitude and THEN--the military option will be played?

Psychological persepective of the human says that people with a crushed spirit are NOT going to rebel.

Anger doesn't equal revolution. 1776 was organized, funded by existing militia. A Russian Czar sent several ships over to America for that 1776 battle, I read about a billion dollars worth of arms, clothing, equipment for the soldiers. And there were soldiers back then, people with a backbone.

And what about the damage being done today and for the last two years? Vaccine damage, psychological damage, familes torn apart, suicides, drugs, alcohol. And let's not forget all the cartel drugs, mass migration of questionable people across the Mexico border. The "police depts" are enforcing anything they're told.

I call BS.

We're being played with this precipice.

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WoW! Lol! I agree with you on a lot of your points. But I am someone who the more you push me down, the more I get back up empowered! In today's world there's so much coming at ALL of us at once that it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE for any one person to digest it let alone form a coherent view on it, before it changes AGAIN. THAT IS BY DESIGN...to PUSH US DOWN and they hope we stay down. Unfortunately, I will ALWAYS RISK on the side of GOOD to DO the Right thing,,,even if I end up being wrong. Yet, WHEN I AM WRONG I ALWAYS ADMIT IT AND TACKLE IT HEAD ON TO MAKE THAT WRONG A RIGHT! THAT is how we GROW and Get STRONGER!

So, with that said...

I have NOT heard from him either, but I am going to move forward, as what he started was for the GOOD of ALL! Yet in Life timing is everything and I do NOT want to stand by waiting... I am tired of waiting for someone else to DO something. I PRAY Clandestine is okay and will understand HE inspired me! I also PRAY that he is okay because I do not believe that any of this was his intention for bad. I just think it looks bad right now...

I am NEW to Substack but I am NOT NEW in GENERAL. LOL! I will build my Substack eventually and I hope that what I do DO will resonate with others, including Clandestine cause the work that he does is important to ALL of us. As you can tell I am an Optimist until I KNOW TRUTH PROVES OTHERWISE. In the meantime, I am also a DOER WHO NEVER SURRENDERS AND NEVER WILL GIVE UP FIGHTING FOR WHAT I KNOW IS RIGHT! I am NOT AFRAID of the Corrupt Establishment or ANYTHING for that matter! We are LOSING OUR COUNTRY & LOVED ONES EVERY DAMN DAY! I CANNOT and WILL NOT LAY DOWN AND DIE AND JUST WATCH IT HAPPEN!

#EnoughisEnough is something I am LIVING!

Thank YOU so much for your words. I know I do not personally KNOW anyone here on SUBSTACK but YOU ALL are Family to me for we are all FIGHTING for the SAME THING the best we can!


BE Blessed!


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I love your spirit.

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Okay, HERE it is! PLEASE HELP ME SHARE and GET THIS MOVEMENT MOVING! Thank you too! I used the people you recommended and ANY and ALL Donations will go to THEM! I want OUR Country back...GOD will PROVIDE for my Family!



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I received a “bad gateway” error and that the post had been removed. Can you check to see if it is truly still up? Thank you!

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I'm Danish - and sorry that I cannot sign ❤️

Great initiativ 🙏

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Signed on, this is a defining moment in the sea of truths that are coming out. Let's go and get this done.

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This is exactly what needs to be started! Let’s quit moping and take ACTION! Thanks Clandestine 🙏👊🇺🇸♥️🤍💙

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This petition is not available at the link. There is a notice that it has been removed " it violated our Community Guidelines, or the starter removed it." Censorship?!

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Me too. Not available for me either.

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Why is the petition link no longer working?

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We are being played. Not sure who though ?

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Change org is partisan. It's not the first time they took down patriot petitions, including those to raise money to help patriots that were cancelled in the Trucker Convoy.

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I think this should be addressed to the Supreme Court as the third branch of government and the authority to take action, of which would be done by the military. My thoughts.

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I’m sharing this everywhere!🙏🇺🇸👊 is Brunson one of the 4brothers? I just read recently his case is going to the Supreme Court or is this a different case?

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Yes, one of the Trumpet playing brothers (musicians as well as legal scholars) going before SCOTUS Jan 6.

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Thank you, how ironic it will be Jan 6😉👍

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Yes, yes and

God Almighty Yes!

Supreme Court date set on Brunson election case! January 6th 2023!!

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I'm following this too! However, I am concerned cause just because it's on the Docket doesn't mean that they will hear the case or am I mistaken? I have seen cases on the Docket and then they don't hear the case. THANK YOU for posting this LINK too! Please let me know if you've heard they ARE taking this case!!! THEY MUST and if they do not hear this case then it's clear that our highest court is compromised too.

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All I know from 7 Discoveries website is SCOTUS will Conference Jan 6 2023 to discuss and decide by vote whether to move it to a Hearing. (I contributed a buc to download the lawsuit).

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Thank YOU!!! I appreciate it so much! I am watching too and PRAY they WILL finally DO Something For We the People as they have SWORN an Oath to do! I especially appreciate your donation to them to share this with us! In this messed up economy EVERY penny counts! (and you gave 100 of them and share with us! Lol)

I am creating a NEW Petition based on the GOOD Work Clandestine Inspired and will POST a LINK here in the next hour or two. I PRAY that everyone will GO SIGN IT TOO and KEEP THIS IMPORTANT MOVEMENT GOING! It is not for me or Clandestine - IT IS FOR US ALL! Enough Is Enough!

BE Blessed!


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What am I doing wrong, the link doesn’t work for me…

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Awesome!!! Signing now and sharing all over.

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Ditto that

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