In the words of Dan Bongino Are we there yet? I don't think so. Not yet. Meaning is it time to finally clean house in the most extreme way? Is it time to show the world what is really going on in impossible to deny proofs? I don''t think so but we are getting close. Very close.

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Clarifying Bongino's line of rhetorical questioning, he asked specifically if *enough* people were hurting / feeling the negative impacts of the (Ozero) Biden (mal)Administration's policies and anti-constitutional actions... enough (numbers of ppl) to feel moved to action? And the answer is by all indications - No. Because few are taking observable and material actions that have real tangible consequences for the corrupt criminals across the government, media, globalist multinational corporations, radical leftwing universities (which means the large majority of colleges), public school systems, etc. Some people have begun in isolated areas of the country but...as of yet...no national movement has risen up and is taking action.

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The Palestine protestors show we have a common cause. No more killing and stealing others homes.

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They will not admit. Never. They never do. Somehow it will be Trump' fault.

They are evil. Character assassination is their expertise. Their track record is well documented. When the truth surfaced, they just blow it off and create another Pelosi defined "wrap" where the lie is floated to the media, the media publicizes the lie and the lie becomes the truth.

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Meanwhile, children continue to suffer!

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As more of the real narrative unwinds and we are learning all this crazy conspiracy stuff was the truth and that we are not out of our minds we survived the info war.

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After a few of the criminals are hung. When are we going to uphold the law?

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Acknowledgement--Most likely not ever.

Msm covers for pedofiles. Bringing children to Market (as Biden once let slip in a speech on the Border) pays their salary.

But, the hunter will become the Hunted. As the $$ dries up the payoffs stop churning, the blackmailed spill their guts.

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They likely will never admit any wrongdoing regarding the abuse of children unless it’s part of a plea deal that lets them live vs what they deserve. If they get a plea deal; they will never go out in public as normal people cherish our children because they are the future....not the sick, evil predators. God told us He controls the vengeance.🙏🙏

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Jan 10·edited Jan 12

There will always be a large percentage who don't see evil in their own back yard because we are taught to ignore it by powers that be. As a child I shamed myself for not caring about people’s disasters in the nightly news. I wondered why my parents felt or said nothing. How can you grieve every night for people you don’t know? There are too many. It’s how we are made numb to others’ tragedies.

I felt little empathy for those killed in overseas conflicts because I don’t know them and don’t want to think about it if I can’t stop it. We are encouraged to glorify soldiers for killing the alleged enemy, not realizing war is really a preplanned demolition motivated by psychopaths.

If parents admitted to the degeneracy their kids are taught and exposed to they'd take them out of public schools and invest in protecting them. But it's a huge undertaking if you already spend your time jumping through hoops to survive in a society that can't heal itself. Unfortunately, there will always be undetected psychopaths in the shadows, who are experts in camouflage to capture their prey.

What has been revealed is a small percentage of violence and damage, compared to the coordinated underground crimes going on around the world for centuries. Those who report it are eradicated by their counterparts.

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