I don't think we need ANY other reason to support DJT than comparing 2016-2020 with sh*t show that's happening right now. Apart from all the rampant corruption , money laundering and the weaponization of the DOJ .... what in the actual name of all this good was going on with him in Normandy? If it were Trump he would have been removed six ways to Sunday. The fact that the corpse is still attempting to stay upright - and failing miserable- tells us all we need to know about who is in charge.

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Trump isn't perfect. God chooses the least likely amongst us for what is needed.

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I stand with you. Thank you.

From the beach...


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Loved this post

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

I m so tired of so many on our "side" having to first say how President Trump isn't perfect, or that they don't agree with everything he says, etc etc.

No one is perfect. And I don't know anyone with whom I agree 100% of the time.

Why does everyone feel the need to make these qualifying statements of judgement before then making statements of support for him???

Is everyone so afraid of being labeled as a Trump supporter that they feel the need to state some "distance" between him and them?

I support President Trump because of what he has done for our country and because of the criminal abuse he has willingly absorbed while standing fast on his principles and determination to right the many wrongs being committed by oir corrupt government. I support his intelligence and compassion that guides him into supporting causes that are not popular with the hard Right.

I support him for trying to expect the best from people he brings into his Administration even though some of them do not live up to his expectations of competence & loyalty and prove themselves unworthy of his trust.

I support President Trump unconditionally, regardless of his human qualities that others feel compelled to constantly point out.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

There is no decision other than Trump. He is looking out for America and at his elderly age is willing to take on the Deep State, wants to make peace in the world and save our children from this Administration's exploitation of children. What else does one need to know? Being Netanyahu's bff is something we will have to deal with after he is elected.

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There is much disinformation in a war….from all sides. Time will tell the villains from the truthers.

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Feel the same way and for all the same reasons. A good run down on what we know and suspect at this point.

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‘This one topic is enough for Trump to get my support and should be for every single human on Earth, without any exception.’👏👏

Yes, and as another right leaning libertarian (and a believer in our savior, Jesus ), I agree with you wholeheartedly! It is obvious that Trump and so very many more people around the world have been given talents, experience and otherwise prepared for the war we are currently fighting.

Trump has been especially gifted to serve as our catalyst; he has helped awaken many, prepared the legal path via executive orders and, more importantly, precedents. He’s the public (courageous) face of the cabal’s most dangerous enemy…..we the world’s peoples. We will demand justice for the crimes against humanity (most especially our children) and we will not stop until the innocents are protected.

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Trump's choice for VP will be extremely important. It will need to be someone strong enough and tough enough to continue the swamp drainage in case he can't get it completely done in 4 years. Because we all know the dems will go down kicking and screaming and fight him to the bitter end.

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I totally agree, Clandestine! Well said.

You're my favorite of all pundits.


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I agree on all 5 and I'll add Trumps economic policies lifts all boats !

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