Biden has put the United States in an untenable position. He will make us a pariah nation.

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Not Biden! He's just a Puppet. Obama is pulling the strings with the World Economic Forum pulling his STRINGS. They are trying desperately to start WW3! Any way they can. No matter the Collateral damage.

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Valerie Jarrett has always done the heavy lifting for Obama, he is lazy; narcissists usually are, except when they really want someone or something. Jarrett and Obama's first interest is reestablishing ISIS and it's violent murdering Caliphate, building up jihadist forces within the U.S. (there are easily a million now, and they have been picked up at rendezvous points near the border, and flown from Columbia, Nicaragua and Guatemala by military civilian contractors, placed at more remote TX bases, given orientation, some training, advised how to lay low (do not drive like you do where you came from), given supplies, handlers and placed in primarily the large cities. I kid you not. These are hardened men, not the overweight soft people we see on the MsM as "Immigrants" and "Refugees.") and supplying extremist elements. See why Obama was, as his supporters said, "dancing like we've never seen him before, all night!" at his 60th Birthday party? He knew what was going down, that Jarrett and he had succeeded in getting OBiden to pull everything out of Afghanistan leaving treasure and hardware. Obama is a Marxist; he doesn't mind destroying America and he intends to be one of the elitists at the top. He will run into the problem that the globohomopedo cabal has promised to turn America over to the CCP, infrastructure, military bases and hardware intact, preferably with as few Americans alive as possible, while the Establishment is intent on handing on to most of the goodies.

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The UGLY truth is being #EXPOSED.

([They] will not go away quietly.)



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Let us hope the ones responsible will get their due. It is way beyond time. And time to get the truth out there. Will share everywhere I can. I am very happy to be following you on this whole Ukraine issue. Glad you are on it Clandestine. 👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Wow, I knew these Ukrainian nazis were ruthless butchers and cowards, but this over the top dangerous and really childish. They would all be dead under the knife of Russian elite forces(don't know how to spell spetznaz) if they didn't hide behind civilians, literally. This is never a good look for soldiers, it doesn't make your enemies fear you more, it puts the world on notice to your shitty tactics and makes it easy for the world to let Russia to decimate them completely...

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Russia has actually been careful. They video what they are doing. They go into the villages and cities to explain what they will be doing. They do not want to bomb civilians. The Azov Battalion has refused to let residents in the cities use the humanitarian corridoes Russia creates and puts out the word for. Russia does what it can, asks the Azovs to let the people go. Azov uses the people as shield. They have been slaughtering residents so they can say Russians did it. They rape. Russia bombs an area, again request Azov let people go. It goes on like this. The Azovs have bombed and missiled cities just practicing, they are sloppy and do not care. Ukraine had been bombing the nuke plant while claiming it's Russia, but satellite, video, witnesses back up the Russian's story. Ukraine finally admitted it. Russia has said please AEIA, come in here. Ukraine will not let them, while saying it is the Russians not allowing that. Look for Gonzalo Lira, he has reported extensively when he can, he is in the thick of it., and censored by Big Tech. His reports are an amazing education. NATO, EU and other countries have lost their appetites for the U.S. pouring NATO, EU resources into Ukraine. They see Ukraine is US and Elitists' money laundering, human trafficking, drug trafficking, bioweapon development and resource criminal enterprise playground. The mosquitoes loaded with a Dengue Fever tweaked virus were deposited in Cuba and have caused deaths and morbidity terribly. If you survive Dengue, you suffer terribly. Very painful and debilitating the rest of your life, it does not go away. They tinkered with TB and tried to infect a remote Ukrainian town by distributing TB powdered bills to children. It didn't work. Ukrainians have reported breakouts of botulinum, Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic fever, resistant TB, swine viruses, more.

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This ability to create bio weapons has to be incinerated forever. No country should have this ability. Humanity cannot survive under these circumstances.

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What a journey we have been on with the stories of Ukraine and Russia. More adventures to come with the world in which we currently live. Seems like it should be an interesting movie, ....but it's really happening.

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This just may be the fire we needed to bring this to warp speed into the light and get this show on the road. Feeling rather excited at the moment.

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Can we go ahead and get rid of Biden? ( I think he already has) but let's get rid of every illusion that hes alive. And all the rest can go, too. They are miserable humans

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Make no mistake that ANY of these "NATO" organizations from govt to CNN are even mentioning the truth about Ukraine bombing its own Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant--because it's the "right thing to do".

This is the "politically correct" check off the box mentality of the robot mind. "Optics" is the label. These orgs, companies are concerned that if they don't "show"--that they are "against" the bombing of Zaporizhzhia--then the opposite will be true.

These orgs greatest fear is that the masses will see through their disguise and realize they're a bunch of despotic, sociopathic, blood thirsty vampires. Because that's what our "top down" hierarchical configuration of humans create. A "crowd mentality" where the human in it, believes their position's title IS their actual ability and expertise.

Example: I am the executive director, therefore I must be wiser than "the help" below me. However I must conform to the rules because anything else "is above my paygrade".

This unconscious replacement for a Soul and actual Mind is rampant on this planet. The results speak for themselves. Even "the Help" has their own "pecking order" that is also built upon this.

I'm reading Erich Fromm's "The Sane Society" book from 1954 and they were all talking about this THEN. What's changed? It's gotten WORSE, not better. What has? This "conformity trance".

Back to this Zaporizhzhia fiasco. This is Fukushima all over again. Incidentally, Fukushima is STILL spewing out millions of gallons of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean! It's decimated the ocean life. When it hit the western shores of North America, "scientists" claimed "mysterious die-offs" of coastal aquatic life. Remind anyone of "Covid jabs?" (Suddenly...the athlete died...).

Forgive me, I broke into a rant. Unlike most, I am allergic to conforming in any way. Alas, I have next to no "friends"...imagine that.

This current nuclear fiasco is just another symptom of the pseudo self mindset across the world. To blame "NATO" only is throwing the baby out with the radioactive bathwater.

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Aug 27, 2022
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Within the research community of "group psychology" it's recognized that the finesse or expertise, competence, of these "evil groups" has fallen to abysmal lows. Just like the competence of your "tech support" or "customer service" of companies all over the world.

The people manning the phones for support could care less about the job or your situation, and they just follow processes. Everything is checking a box and saying the words they are forced to say.

It reveals that these people aren't thinking for themselves, they're not creative but are robots. They have no backbone, you push them and they freak out, hanging up. Hollywood can't come up with anything original. Even Maverick is a remake.

What does this have to do with the evil people? Their grand fathers, fathers have all died off. The kids are at the controls and that means the "Hunter Bidens" are at the controls. Yeah those people who snort coke, drive daddy's yacht (he's in a dementia home now) and it's hookers R us every week.

Plus these people have had the same dumbed down schools with everything is about "efficiency", "tasks", and flowcharts. These people have gone backwards compared to generations ago. These are NOT the people who built America, the USSR, etc. These are the "descendants"...who inherited the power, money, and they're BLOWING IT.

This is why we have gone from the drip drip of "change" to FULL SPEED AHEAD make the people DO IT...(because we decreed it).

Thus we have noticed across the board that the once brilliant SPECTRE level of evil organizations from Ian Flemings original James Bond BOOKS--are no longer there. Instead it's "Austin Powers" at best and more like "Saturday night live".

So what does this mean? It means that this psychotic destroy all life on earth plan (chemtrails, gmo, pesticides, vaccines, letting the infrastructure crumble) is just that--psychotic. No real plan. No "problem reaction solution." It's just a big fat problem without a cure.

These "whitehats" have a window of time. IF they allow The West to get to the point where there's starvation of society, they will lose control but worse. Their own militaries will MUTINY because there will be enough of them to realize that their "officers" are insane.

This is very very very close. Kash Patel and all those guys may have Devolution in hand, but if they screw it up...which is likely because of inner politics...then you will WISH you lived far away in a mountain area.

Human body can barely survive 21 days without food. Humans will NOT wait 21 days to do "whatever it takes" to EAT. America is loaded with guns and ammo. Starving men will obliterate anything in their path to food, and likely wipe out any govt. Why the latter? Because they're to blame for it.

This talk of "civil war" is infantile. There is no "civil war". it's going to be the above. Mad Max without cars, gasoline or food.

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Aug 28, 2022
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I've been interviewed three times by Michael Tsarion and David Whitehead via Unslaved.com. They, I, and other researchers brought up what I stated.

I, they, look at the psychological behavior of humans, besides events. I am very aware of the billionaire folks via contacts, who own islands, yachts, and are drowning in materialism but are dumber than rocks. Just like 80%+ of "the poor". Smart phones dumb people down. The ultra rich will be using them too. Multiple choice tests dumb down the mind, and so does only typing and not using the pencil to print and write cursive.

Deep State originally meant the infiltrated American alphabet organizations. The groups pulling the strings of the WEForum are not the "deep state" but groups much much older. See michaeltsarion.com.

I wrote a novel to hook people into this research.

Soros, Schawab are lackeys...pawns, nothing more. They're disposable front men, hiding the real perps many layers deeper.

Consider the mindset of the billionaire. They depend upon "the help" for all their toys and to keep their yachts, private islands running. Period. Destroy the help and where are they at? The simple answer, yet incorrect, is they have "super" help only for them. Bullocks. Manufacturing requires parts, power, labor, food, water, clothing, homes, and a mind for the help that isn't insane which it soon will be with major food shortages.

Anybody thinking that the average person is sane just ain't getting it. A sane person doesn't sacrifice their life for staying biologically alive (most have no idea what I am talking about which further makes my point). Sane people don't sit back and watch the fires burn their farms, thus starving them. They act proactively do deal with pests, forest fires, etc, to keep their farms healthy. Plus they hunt and fish. These are metaphors. Today's human just sits back waiting for the next "delivery" of food. That's retarded (psychological terms means backwards).

People don't have a spine, what it takes to handle hard WORDS...think they can handle hard forces?

Same thing that weakened us has weakened THEM. They live on this planet...they breath the geoengineered air which is destroying all life AND the minds of ALL humans. There is no "pretend" that nano particles of aluminum, barium, and much more toxic stuff sprayed daily across the planet does "not affect me"---because I said so.

GeoEngineering tells me everything about the entire hidden "elite" and their plans. Geoengineering is the dumbest most retarded scheme ever to be deployed on Earth, and it's been deployed full time since 2000.

Checkmate. And in a bad way.


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Aug 29, 2022
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Sticks and stones, mate. Use what ever words you want, don't bother me none. I'm too abrasive? Man, people have sure lost their backbone. Who cares if one is "abrasive"? Focus on the message not the messenger. As a friend of mine who runs a company, "do you want a box of tissues with that?"

You were responding to someone else's comment. Unfortunately I didn't know that. Even as I type, this "Substack app" doesn't show the thread. Same goes on Truth Social. People are making replies and we that are getting replied to don't know what the details of that reply was.

I'm frustrated with people not applying themselves. As a friend said, "it's not that people are stupid, it's that they aren't using their tools (brain, mind, whatever)." Same thing, these people aren't applying themselves.

And these groups you're not aware of or you would have named them, don't worship "god". LOL, "god"...a simplistic label given to the masses eons ago to elevate the "priestclass" as having expertise and putting in a word for us as long as we pay them.

These K Jews you mention are small fry. Jews don't even exist like people think they do. They're a group, not a race, and were made up...fiction.

Satan? what satan? another imaginary label. I mentioned that researchers are observing a clear change in behavior of projects that allege to "control" humanity when the fact is they're destroying all life on earth eventually. That's not the old "illuminati" et all. this is new behavior.

In summary your reply came up as a reply to my comment. period. I didn't write the app. Seems it tangled you and I up for no reason. this is another reason I won't start a substack if it can't keep track of who is replying to what.

And yes you spewed lots of words. I don't need any of them.

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Who will be the initial breakaway nation, I wonder? 🙃 ...and might they join the tribunals? That would be a stretch though...

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No way do the EU countries want a nuclear disaster on their continent, it’s about time they started waking up to the truth of this vs. what the propaganda machine (legacy media) is giving them. Good work and research Jacob, so appreciate your daily blogs and keeping us informed. I frequently share your content (with credit and links) on my Facebook, since there are still so many that haven’t left that platform. So far so good on not being locked out of the platform for speaking truths.

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This is good news, just enough to bring others to attention. Lets not forget that others all dealing with similar ( or worse) situations than ours and the right people know ( or will soon know ) who the evil ones are. I am still prepared for a scare event as i am not convinced its avoidable. Thanks so much for the amazing coverage C...💞

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The world is going to know the truth about the deep state - NCSWIC

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Just another reason for Biden to send more tens of billions to support Ukraine. It's remarkable that the US is sending the brunt of financial aid to Ukraine, where their parliament just announced giving themselves a raise. Thinking the conflict in Ukraine will continue to drag out, even with ongoing International Military Tribunals (that the US & UN call illegitimate - cuz they're not running it). The Autumnal Equinox is on September 23rd - by that time, overnight temperatures will be pretty chill in Europe. It doesn't seem likely the US can pull off continued Ukraine support from NATO & EU countries while their populations are freezing their arses off. Some countries ignore the Russia oil sanctions, others turned to coal, while populations are looking for firewood. EU countries are already on the edge of revolt due to woke farming policies. While Ukraine is identified, even by MSM, as the one attacking the ZPP, the risk placed on surrounding populations may well backfire on the US/DS agenda in Ukraine. Hope the MSM reports, acknowledging Ukraine shelling of the ZPP, indicates they got a green light to provide that info - someone looking for a US exit, I hope.

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