An entire nation like France counts their votes overnight.

There is no reason why a single US state (which has far fewer people) should take way longer to do the same.

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It’ll happen unless they are stopped.

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'they' haven't been stopped in 100+ years of treachery, only slowed momentarily by the likes of JFK, RR, DJT. And the train keeps a rollin...

I've been awake to the much bigger globalist scam for 30 years, and I'm not overly optimistic at this point. It's going to take a landslide vote, military intervention and God's grace to pull us through this war....

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The arrogance of these whatever you would like to call them is beyond my imagination, and they continue to believe we are this ignorant. I am hoping and looking forward to a "Wiley Coyote" moment.

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They were caught with evidence cheating in the 2020 election, but The Great Awakening had to take place, which it has. This time, I truly believe they will pay the price for cheating.

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Maybe ask Lin Wood, Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani how it went for them...

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Like I said, I believe they will pay the price for cheating this time. I also believe whatever unfair and unconstitutional repercussions were levied against Lin Wood, Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani will be reversed during Trump's next term.

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Pennsylvania, Philly in particular, should be ashamed of itself. But it is not. I completed in the Penn Relays in the 50''s and 60's. Did a Fellowship at Penn in the early 70's. The city of brothery love is quagmire of machine politics and corruption. Ask Governor Shapiro about his son's girlfriend's murder.

Yep. That's how bad it is.

From the beach....


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I never heard that ! (of course).. ill look it up, but will i find the truth?

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"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything" ~ Joseph Stalin

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It's hilarious really. EVERY state with mail in ballots has to open them, unfold them and prep them for the scanner. AND it does not take 3 weeks to do that, if it does it makes sense they use a different method for voting!

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