"Not everyone

who walks in the guise of a man

is human"


"A fake president giving

a fraud prize to

a faux/foe human"


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Disgusting, I hope this finally destroys the Democrat Party.

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Evil isn’t recognized by so many, especially the far left radicals; nevertheless, it is there and Soros is one of the main faces.

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Won’t watch the videos on this shameful display of treasonous traitors and point blank enemies of the United States, but I will share my feelings. Tear the whole of DC down. There’s nothing left there that hasn’t been tainted by these crypt haunters. Move the good things to a new location. The Lincoln Memorial. The statues of true leaders, the Wall. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The eternal flame. Get out of their evil clutches all of our country’s most precious monuments. The Rats of DC have proven to be unworthy of the trust and responsibility of safeguarding these things. Decommission those medals. Bring New ones that once again stand for honor. Between Biden and Obama these awards aren’t much more than a nickles worth of recognition to less than a handful of fellow traitors.

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If they knew, they wouldn’t care.

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That's what makes any sense to me, people so self interested they don't care how ridiculous or wrong something is they will play along with it because they see some unethical gain by participating in the pretense.

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No words, beyond disgusting. FJB Just spit in our faces.

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Given this is a show, this is just one of a laundry list of nonsensical actions taken by "Biden" to supposedly wake people up. However, the radical liberals that I know are not being fazed at all. Time for this show to end already!

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Oh, but even if they knew about George, they would still vote for the Donkey 🫏 Party. It is a terminal disease.

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Might as well go ahead and present Satan himself a medal. SMMFH

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We are watching the destruction of the democratic party in real time. More popcorn please!

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National Popcorn Day 🍿 and,


Pres Trump signed into Law S139

FISA reathorized Amendments "Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act" relating to foreign intelligence gathering.

Who is buying up fertilizer? And why? Obomba???

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I can hardly wait for the grand finale.

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Good grief!! Does this so called "president" have no shame at all?! It's a black-face comedy where everything he does is upside down and millions don't even notice? Or at least pretends they don't. It's another version of the "emperor has no clothes" story in spades!

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