Pramala needs to be gifted a digital pager.

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Their democracy is destructive and is intended to shred the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the Constitutional Republic.

They cannot win on the merits of policy but they can on stealing elections like they did in 2020 and on bringing into the USA thanks to open border czar 🐫a millions of unvetted illegal aliens whom that want to give citizenship and voting privilege because American citizens see the destructive nature of their policy goals.

The Donkies have blood on their hands and they know that we know .

Even their cash cow Teamsters Union will not openly endorse them.

The Left is expert at shifting blame from themselves to those whom oppose them by use of the Pavlovian lap dog legacy media.

From the beach....


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There can be no doubt they are evil. Fact is I feel that they are just warming up. Something huge is coming and it is not going to make any of us happy. Just the evil. Remember they are desperate to win not just the election. They plan to win all. Part of that win includes most of us gone.

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Not only do they want to remove any possibility of a return to the White House but to also have cause for the conservative side to respond with massive civil disobedience whether or not they are successful. I found today's article by Sam Faddis on point with respect to the ongoing threat a great piece for awareness as well.

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It most certainly is and as the walls close in on those who want to destroy the country and support the 2030 WEF goals. Cornered now by the rapidly increasing exposures of their plans and connections, they will attempt more and more desperate measures.

It’s amazing to me that those who are traitors to this country believe their handlers will give them key, and very lucrative, roles. They are naive…as the remaining members of the NWO will not suffer traitors. These traitors will not survive.

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