Bio - agree with your assessment 100%

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Routh cia poser.


Fbi losing cash cow Diddler.

President Trump, CIC, is safe.

Watching the Water (port shut down)

If ports close, WHO will transport the cia sponsored children ?

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Oh yes we are at war. We have been at war for some time now. Not a bloody war in the conventional sense, yet. They are afraid. They let this letter out because of fear. They are in a lose/lose situation and they know it.They know another Trump presidency spells doom for many of them. Legal elimination has failed to date. No matter how the legal stuff plays out they know that we know this has all been persecution of Trump. They know a Trump in jail will make him a symbol, a living martyr. They really don''t want that. Next up is a dead Trump. They lose again. They risk making a martyr again only worse. A dead assassinated martyr is much worse for them. All of us need to know what is at stake here. We need to be ready because if they get Trump out of the way it is no longer going to be a Free America. We will be subjugated one way or another. I don't have all the answers thats for sure but I know this much, we are very much in a war.

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That letter could not be more fake. When was it written and how did he know he had failed?

Best. Movie. Ever.

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Treason is the reason for the season

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Now is the time for the SCOTUS to act to save our constitutional republic!!!!

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SCOTUS is part of the problem.

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What do you suggest instead of the SCOTUS?

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We could begin with a more rigid policy of the SCOTUS. They must be apolitical. 100 percent. No political leanings at all. The vetting process and confirmation process is a joke. Example, Natanji Brown. A judge that cannot define what a woman is has no place on that bench. Yet they still confirmed her with some RINOS adding to their power.

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They should have asked her if she was a woman?

And followed up with, why? And why should we believe you? Give her a choice of a) drop Trou, b) bucal smear, c) full karyotype.

No confirmation vote with out an answer.

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The remaining honest military. We are at war with the traitors in our own government.

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Don’t hold your breath. SCOTUS is every bit as corrupt as the other 2 branches.

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All of this garbage is the ideological Marxists and Nazis who, in spite of their clearly inferior followers believe they can achieve the much desired feudal society again with them at the top and the remaining population either dead or enslaved. The end justifies whatever means they employ in their feeble, completely closed minds. Mediocrity is in full view. Marx never worked a day in his lifetime…

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nazi marx khazars

dei activist organizers

Are the first to be executed

When they exceed their usefulness (captured carbon)

Marx destroyed monuments burned books and rewrote history for this very reason.


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Sadly, you are correct.

From the beach....


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I most certainly agree with your opinion that true Conservatives and many Independents will not be able to co-exist with radical left loons. I'm not sure what the answer is, but it's probably going to be a radical and unprecedented solution.

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