WhooHoo!!! I’ll never forget watching the helicopter follow OJ Simpson on the freeway with the news guy lying his head off while I was watching live. That’s when I knew these creeps were total liars. Been downhill since then. I quit them completely on 11/4/20.
WhooHoo!!! I’ll never forget watching the helicopter follow OJ Simpson on the freeway with the news guy lying his head off while I was watching live. That’s when I knew these creeps were total liars. Been downhill since then. I quit them completely on 11/4/20.
WhooHoo!!! I’ll never forget watching the helicopter follow OJ Simpson on the freeway with the news guy lying his head off while I was watching live. That’s when I knew these creeps were total liars. Been downhill since then. I quit them completely on 11/4/20.