I am very grateful to the citizen journalists and anons etc. for the work they do and the time they put into it. Not to mention their honesty, traditional values, and their sanity. With the exception of a few, I will never trust another suit behind a desk reporting anything. Even if they were, by some miracle, to change and actually start acting like journalists - to me, they're done forever. They cannot win my trust back EVER! And as for the 'small guys' doing actual reporting, to me, it's like a David & Goliath scenario because you 'small guys' are pummeling the big guys and they're too stupid to figure out why.

As the great Daffy Duck once said...."It is to laugh" 😁😎😄😊

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"Your family will start shopping there (direct from the farmer), more families will start shopping there, and the supermarket will slowly go bankrupt and disappear."

Besides this being an accurate analogy, consider ADVERTISING costs. Unless George Soros is propping up the media (and his ilk may be), in theory, these TV stations need $$ from advertisers.

Hollywood's Netflix is almost DEAD from being woke (hemorrhaging viewers out the door). Disney is TOAST--everybody hates Disney for their Peter Pan trafficking and their woke garbage. $$$ Major loss. Star Wars franchise is dead. (How do you F up Star Wars? I remember people seeing Star Wars in 1977 70+ times at the THEATER! Why? "The Force." The Force was replaced with The MESSAGE, lol.

Maverick's $1 billion in sales is the END of the WOKE Hollywood. I forget who, it was either Netflix or Amazon that FIRED 150 writers! Basically all the writers for that crap were sent packing back to San Francisco.

Hollywood is not a small business model. If they can lose their ass, then "the News" can too.

**Once Trump is back in office, what if he decided to go BACK to the days when Big Pharma couldn't peddle their BS on TV? (And attorneys). Remember when actual products were advertised on TV? Trump could easily nuke Big Pharma and where's the revenue coming from for The News now? DEAD.

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How many viewers are loving twerking trannies?

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Precisely. Wasn't it "Cuties" that really drove the stake into Netflix? Jane Fonda went from support all peoples to destroy the family.

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by following the DS narratives on covid, trans, Ukraine, Biden etc MSM is destroying itself. Every time it lies, it looses more trust and viewers/readers.

It also bleeds good journalists who have integrity. Finally only lying hacks are left as journalists at MSM... and it shows.

Latest example: the total lack of MSM coverage of the Teleford child rape scandal in the UK. 1000 children raped and abused in this town. Police and local council covered up the perps and avoided stopping them for 20+ years. Independ journals have been covering this story for over a year. Several docos released - they were squashed and lawfare used against the filmmakers.

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I know cos most of the English Defence League got jailed including me for speaking out against the cover up by the authorities

Oldham council run by Labour who also run Rotherham and Telford councils have voted to sweep CSE and CSA under the carpet by refusing to hold an investigation

The paedophile loving Labour party acting in favour of diversity instead of protecting children

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Putting MSM out of business isn't good enough...I want them tried. Mildred Gillars was a broadcaster. so was Tokyo Rose. Hope Trump declared some form of war before he left office that allows this...

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I only get my news from you and other Digital Soldiers, Citizen Journalists, Anons, Patriots, etc. Thank you for all you do!

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Buried deep in the the 2012 Defense Authorization Act was the re-write of the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act. The original act prevented the US Govt from using domestic media to disseminate propaganda inside the country. The changes were proposed by the Obummer Administration and buried in the DAA to hide them. (The DAA is always full of nefarious freedom robbing legislation). The new rules not only allowed the federal government to use the media to disseminate propaganda inside the country, they also allowed the government to pay the media to do it. Using your tax dollars, or more correctly, using dollars borrowed from China. Anyone with even a shred of knowledge regarding the 2012 DAA could see by March 2020 that massive amounts of federal dollars were flowing to media outlets to promote the “correct” Wuhan narrative. This has been proven now through a number of FOIA although they continue to refuse to provide info on which outlets and how much. Let’s just say all of them and a shitload.

So, while CNN ran what appeared to be news stories about alleged benefits of getting jabbed

they were (and still are) actually being paid massive amounts of money by the government to deliver the narrative the government wanted them to deliver.

When we get to the indictment phase of this entire mess, many in the media going to be lawyering up.

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The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 was signed by Barry on a Friday night at 9pm from Hawaii while Congress was out of session... I wasn’t paying as much attention back then however, I knew that something was happening and it wasn’t in favor of We The People. Barry worked outside of Congress more than any President in history marking him this Countries first Imperialistic President - one step closer to King.

We want Our Country Back and hopefully it’s not too late. What’s happening right now is the extension of those two terms... if HRC would’ve won and 45 would’ve never have taken office and put America First think about where we’d be today.

Quick question, why didn’t 45 cancel H.R. 4310 which allowed propaganda to used against The People? Did it have to be this way? Were their so many of us blind to the fact that our own government was bleeding us dry and robbing us of our God Given Rights that nobody would’ve believed any different? I mean, if we dissect this whole sadistic plot, what do we do? Who steps on and indicts, prosecutes, and Carrie’s out Justice.


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Good info. Great analysis. Tough questions. HR4310 was passed by Congress. Barry signed it into law. A new DAA is passed every year. So POTUS can’t just cancel

Provisions he does not like. And because a key priority of Obummer/Pelosi/Schummer in 08 when they had full control and 60 votes in Senate was to do away with the budget process. 07 was the last budget Congress actually debated. Obummer failed to produce a budget on time. On purpose. So in order to fund the govt They used Continuing Resolutions. Still doing it today along with their GOP collaborators. Trump delivered budgets. But Congress could never agree, cause they don’t want to agree, preferring the grift opportunities.

If there was an actual budget in place, Biden would have to ask Congress for funds to send to Ukraine. Without a budget he can mostly do what he wants.

Lastly, once something gets in the DAA it is nearly impossible to get it out. It is the number one way that all sorts of nefarious stuff gets enacted.

Finally, as to your questions, in my view fixing the overall issues starts locally. But eventually the Senate has to be reformed. They are the most corrupt and controlling institution in the country. Repealing the 17th amendment is the only way to begin to root out the corruption. I could expound on that ad nauseum. But the short version is Senators do not represent the interests of the citizens in their states. They represent the interests of the lobbyists and corporations that fund their campaigns. When you analyze where the money comes from and understand that nearly all, if not all, successful Senate campaigns are funded with millions and millions of dollars that flow from interests having nothing to do with the state they represent you can see the scope of the issue.

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Agreed. All politics are local and it burns all the way down to our Sheriffs, local Civil Service Boards, etc... I live in a conservative county however it’s being run by progressive Rinos...

I also agree with you - repeal the 17th Amendment.

God Bless America 🇺🇸

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Ditto. That happens because the RINOS use tactics perfected by the Dems to cheat in the primaries and dispose of the actual conservative candidates. Then they look the other way when the Dems cheat in the general. It’s why the GOP ‘controlled’ legislatures in every swing state refused to even investigate fraud allegations. The operative word of course is controlled. Because fraud exposure would ultimately lead right back to many of them using the same fraudulent schemes to get elected and retain power cycle after cycle.

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Nicely done, sir.

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Brilliant brother. Fight On ✌️

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I agree 1000%. I have friends that are awake and still read MSM then get upset that they’re lying and the normies still believe them. I keep saying, give it time. The MSM is full of hate and lies and the only audience they will keep/attract are those filled with hate. Luckily the majority of Americans (and worldwide) are not filled with hate. They just want to be left alone. But the elitist snobs think they can run and ruin our lives and are be forced to leave us alone. We are taking them out one by one. Evil never wins, they only lie about winning. MSM is self imploding. I say good!!!

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Some of my friends have stopped changing the conversation to "safe" topics. It's sad to think that they can't connect the dots, like devolution and Trump's presidency. so boring really I just come home and put on my tin foil hat.


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For the record I was a journalism major in college and was taught by old school journalists from the Buffalo Evening News and the Courier Express. I never followed journalism as a career path but it provided me with very good writing skills.

These men and women lived to break a story (consider Woodward and Bernstein) and VERIFY it. My one prof said in a lecture “If your mother says she loves you, check it out”. We were taught to write objectively and let the reader decide. Opinion pieces are meant for the editorial page. I stopped watching the news and reading any daily newspaper YEARS AGO because it wasn’t news, most of the stories were editorials disguised as news. Candidly, for me, the death of the legacy media can’t come quick enough.

Clandestine, I truly appreciate what you do.

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We’re winning BIGLY! 🇺🇸

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The written truth and over the target. I only watch briefly to monitor their current composure in reaction to the latest conservative offensive move against them. It has become an entertainment value at this point.

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WhooHoo!!! I’ll never forget watching the helicopter follow OJ Simpson on the freeway with the news guy lying his head off while I was watching live. That’s when I knew these creeps were total liars. Been downhill since then. I quit them completely on 11/4/20.

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Thank you for your in depth reporting. Keep it up Patriots everywhere.

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Besides- The Very Fake News is sponsored by Pfizer: Convicted CRIMINALS that have paid out millions for their crimes.

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