What an interesting time to live. Thanks, Clandestine; you are much appreciated.🙏🙏

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Why not let her fan base think there is a republican alternative to DJT? Let them keep their hopes up for another week or two. Doesn't matter too much, I think we are closer to their worst nightmare coming true than ever...

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

I love sarcasm based in truth. Punching bag indeed. 🤣👍

At least Vivek made us pause and think... Despite lacking the deep bona fides of a lifelong America-first native son, Vivek says pretty much all the right things; takes a MAGA-centric position on most major issues, and is very articulate in his criticism of the DemoCraps (Extreme Left) AND the neoCon RINOs (left of Center) . NeoCon Nikki just makes us cringe and shake our heads in amazement at her chutzpah while naively displaying such obvious tone deafness to the People's frustrations.

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FJB is a Diapered Muppet of that guy from Kenya.

Nikki is a Muppet of the Deep State.

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Thanks for the input. This is how I will look at her.

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Nikki is dancing on DJT's impending political grave. She has campaign support from those who are banking on DJT's legal doom.

A segment today on Real America's Voice(RAV)/Live From Studio B discussed the NY case judgement being in violation of the US Constitution under Amendment 8. They spoke of a SCOTUS ruling in 2019 that identifies excessive fines as an Amendment 8 violation. There was reference all the way back to the Magna Carta (1215) and abuses by the ruling class through high fines, property seizures & incarceration.

There was conjecture, on the RAV segment, about a STAY for the fine while a SCOTUS case is fast tracked w/discovery of all communications w/WH, DOJ, Jack Smith, GA, NY Gov & all of the other usual suspects.

The time limit for an appeal of the NY Engoron ruling is 30 days. We'll see what happens.

It seems reports of DJT's impending political demise have been grossly exaggerated.

Someone will soon be whistling past the graveyard.

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