No it's not!!! And don't stop LOVIN' IT!! It's just like a RED BEET.....the outside is all rough and sandy,....with root sticking out the bottom and the tops with their green leaves....but once it's boiled and the ugly skin is rubbed off in the cold water,....WOW!!! Just look at those beets! (I have rainbow ones this first v…
No it's not!!! And don't stop LOVIN' IT!! It's just like a RED BEET.....the outside is all rough and sandy,....with root sticking out the bottom and the tops with their green leaves....but once it's boiled and the ugly skin is rubbed off in the cold water,....WOW!!! Just look at those beets! (I have rainbow ones this first veggie garden! so pretty!) There are many people working on this WAR, you just don't see them, has to be hidden. Once we get this ugliness out of our Country,....and get our Country back on it's feet,....then it will be time for us to go and help other countries, like Australia and Canada who also need to get rid of that Globalist Cancer. We have had enough. We are so sick of being used and lied to. It's time for us to get our rightful President, President Trump back into the Whitehouse,.....and start taking this country back. We need him to get our Energy Independence back (we are in a Grand Solar Minimum--look that up on Duckduckgo...)and to stop all the human Trafficking and Pedophilia. We need him to close the borders and put American People first again,.....and this time, without him being attacked every moment of the day! As soon as we are stable again, off we go to help with the Global WAR on the so called "Elite". Don't lie down and give up!
Do what you can to get ready for the hard times,....probably about 2 years,.....learn to take care of yourself and your family without the government. Learn how to garden so if there are food shortages you will have veggies,.....put food in storage for your family too, just in case. Get your Mylar Bags and start bagging! You should have seen me covered in flour, millet, oats and beans! You would have laughed. If you need certain drugs or vitamins or anything else,....put extra away in some boxes for the hard times coming. If you want to chat, you can find me on gmail amanda.wilson73 just call me Mandy. Take care and keep your Chin up!!
No it's not!!! And don't stop LOVIN' IT!! It's just like a RED BEET.....the outside is all rough and sandy,....with root sticking out the bottom and the tops with their green leaves....but once it's boiled and the ugly skin is rubbed off in the cold water,....WOW!!! Just look at those beets! (I have rainbow ones this first veggie garden! so pretty!) There are many people working on this WAR, you just don't see them, has to be hidden. Once we get this ugliness out of our Country,....and get our Country back on it's feet,....then it will be time for us to go and help other countries, like Australia and Canada who also need to get rid of that Globalist Cancer. We have had enough. We are so sick of being used and lied to. It's time for us to get our rightful President, President Trump back into the Whitehouse,.....and start taking this country back. We need him to get our Energy Independence back (we are in a Grand Solar Minimum--look that up on Duckduckgo...)and to stop all the human Trafficking and Pedophilia. We need him to close the borders and put American People first again,.....and this time, without him being attacked every moment of the day! As soon as we are stable again, off we go to help with the Global WAR on the so called "Elite". Don't lie down and give up!
Do what you can to get ready for the hard times,....probably about 2 years,.....learn to take care of yourself and your family without the government. Learn how to garden so if there are food shortages you will have veggies,.....put food in storage for your family too, just in case. Get your Mylar Bags and start bagging! You should have seen me covered in flour, millet, oats and beans! You would have laughed. If you need certain drugs or vitamins or anything else,....put extra away in some boxes for the hard times coming. If you want to chat, you can find me on gmail amanda.wilson73 just call me Mandy. Take care and keep your Chin up!!