If Russia really wanted to play it smart and turn the tables they should invite a delegation from ALL of the nations willing to keep an open mind and let them tour and review all that is going on. Show them the truth. Telling them the truth with a few maps and some data is not enough. Give them an all access pass so to speak within reason. Get some outside witnesses to the truth and things will change up but fast. It needs to be known that We the People of the US do not condone the things Russia has accused the DNC of.. We are truly appalled at the allegations and want to see those responsible brought to justice.. Who ever they may be.

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They are putting the information out to the world and more and more nations are interested

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Oooh-whee, Nobody! You are a “Somebody” in my book! Wouldn’t that be something to see. I like the way you think. Ever thought about going into politics on the world stage...and being a representative for humanity instead of party? You would get my vote!

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Since I'm pretty certain that President Trump is in close contact with President Putin and all the other BRICS Heads of State.

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If you are right and I am inclined to agree, then we are in fact watching history unfold in a huge way. We are watching the largest sting operation in world history. Patel_Patriot and Clandestine do help me keep perspective in otherwise very dark times.

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I hope I am right. Do you watch X-22 Report? Dave does a good job of tying the events that are happening all together,.....it really helps a lot. He features Clandestine almost every night! That's how I found him. I also watch Christian Patriot videos, the first 1/2 hour is very good,.....new things I'm not aware of he finds,...then he goes into prayer in the second 1/2 hour. I'm not christian any more,...but if you are, you'll like the second half hour too. Here, I'll post the links. They are both Bitchute. X-22 Report https://www.bitchute.com/channel/n78PbEkvWx2g/ Christian Patriot News

https://www.bitchute.com/channel/8XJCp11El6zu/ Another person I follow closely is Clif High on Bitchute and Substack. ttps://www.bitchute.com/channel/HBBwqdoMy7Gz/ https://clifhigh.substack.com/ Clif is my favorite,....because he isn't just talking about the politics and insanity, he also teaches us stuff we need to know. He's awesome, but he's a bit eccentric,...he's an Old Fart like me and I appreciate his Sense of Humor greatly. Well,....here's hoping for DEVOLUTION!! Pay Back's a BITCH!!!

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Yes I do look at X22 and Christian Patriot too. I'll check out Clif High Thanks.

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The BRICS rock.

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I know it. I'm proud of them, fighting the Globalist/Cabal/Elite/DeepState. They are brave! But if they stick together, they will be MUCH stronger! I hope the NEW United States will join them after we get this Cancer out of our Country.

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You go. It hard to look at what is really going on. Some days it is just hard to accept the America I love is gone now

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No it's not!!! And don't stop LOVIN' IT!! It's just like a RED BEET.....the outside is all rough and sandy,....with root sticking out the bottom and the tops with their green leaves....but once it's boiled and the ugly skin is rubbed off in the cold water,....WOW!!! Just look at those beets! (I have rainbow ones this year....my first veggie garden! so pretty!) There are many people working on this WAR, you just don't see them,....it has to be hidden. Once we get this ugliness out of our Country,....and get our Country back on it's feet,....then it will be time for us to go and help other countries, like Australia and Canada who also need to get rid of that Globalist Cancer. We have had enough. We are so sick of being used and lied to. It's time for us to get our rightful President, President Trump back into the Whitehouse,.....and start taking this country back. We need him to get our Energy Independence back (we are in a Grand Solar Minimum--look that up on Duckduckgo...)and to stop all the human Trafficking and Pedophilia. We need him to close the borders and put American People first again,.....and this time, without him being attacked every moment of the day! As soon as we are stable again, off we go to help with the Global WAR on the so called "Elite". Don't lie down and give up!

Do what you can to get ready for the hard times,....probably about 2 years,.....learn to take care of yourself and your family without the government. Learn how to garden so if there are food shortages you will have veggies,.....put food in storage for your family too, just in case. Get your Mylar Bags and start bagging! You should have seen me covered in flour, millet, oats and beans! You would have laughed. If you need certain drugs or vitamins or anything else,....put extra away in some boxes for the hard times coming. If you want to chat, you can find me on gmail amanda.wilson73 just call me Mandy. Take care and keep your Chin up!!

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You are doing such critical work in exposing this, thank you! I just wish we could get more voice to the people still in the dark!

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That's our job.

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I try but not a lot of pull, share where I can! I meant due to suppression of free speech.

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“Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

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Less than 3 months away from the mid terms.... desperation setting in.

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Does this also explain why they are accusing Trump of hiding nuclear "secrets" at Mar-A-Lago?? So he can be blamed as well??

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Yes, then they will claim he gave it to Russia probably 🤣😂

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We the People are not the same as DNC just as PRC is not the same as CCP. There are good and bad in each country but because of the fake news coming out US media and the many brainwashed idiots we look really bad and I hope Russia and others who are fed up with US hegemony will not blow US all to smithereens !

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Great update!! Praying for Russia and the innocent in Ukraine.

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Great report Clandestine. I so look forward to your information. The more information and truth we the people have to more we can debunk bad info. Abd at the same time put out there these truths for all to see. I share everywhere I can. Lord knows our media is so corrupt that no one gets any truth anymore! So thank you for your journalism. It is so appreciated. When this event happens it will be good to know the truth. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Correct me if wrong, but it appears the West & Ukraine are talking out of both sides of their mouths. West/Ukraine demand inspections at the plant due to the risk, meanwhile they send out rhetoric that the risk is minimal while they continue shelling the area. Thinking Russia has strength through transparency - even though the West/US response is deny, deny, deny. A recent stumble-upon link updates military action in Ukraine, attempts neutral reporting with maps reflecting Ukraine reporting and separate maps reflecting Russian claims. Gives details about battles, giving a chance to glean reality from MSM reports. Just saw a 3rd update the other day - in case anyone is interested, here is the link: youtu.be/5BAg4nHLd4c

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [PRECIPICE]

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Clearly the Deep State has run out of any moves that Russia isn't aware of. This situation seems less than a week away from unraveling...

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I heard tribunals in November for crimes against humanity

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Will pray more fervently that it happens!

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I knew that our Puppet WEF Government would try to explode something nuclear and blame either Russia or China,.....they desperately need WW3! They have to have it now! Their Global Currency is crashing and they need a Cover to force everyone into their new NAZI GLOBAL CURRENCY. It's not going to happen though,....we have people on our side who are watching all this closely.....they are the same people who are keeping our President safe when the Cabal would give anything to assassinate him. I'm so glad that people are opening their eyes and seeing that Russia is telling the TRUTH about the horrific things our PUPPET government have been and are now up to. I'm 99% sure that Obama is running this show,.....trying to instigate WW3. Just like they have been trying to get us riled up so much, by attacking our President's home, that we'll fight them in the streets! It ain't happening. We are not that stupid. Then they'd just bring in the UN Troops and lock us all down until they get their Currency RESET done and are in total control of the Planet. No way!! We will wait and do this the right way,....it may take a little longer, but we'll get them all in the end.

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Great work!

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Holy shit!

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For those watching. I think this is a NUGGET worth sharing.


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Keep defending America. And loving it too.

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Not long back I said that this scenario was going to play out cos of the thrashing the DNC will get at the mid terms ---- it's almost as if President Putin et al have been reading my posts and saying let's make this s*it really happen lol

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