Melania’s very subtle facial expressions and eye movements are showing a range of emotions that really convey so much of the gravity of what has happened and what is occurring. It’s actually moving me to tears, helped by that haunting music of course. Her eyes look up briefly and it looks to me like she is praying when her lips move slightly. Such strength and composure while surrounded by such evil. I can see why President Trump says she is his rock. We are lucky to have her as our First Lady.

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Poor Melania. You can tell she feels very uncomfortable and doesn’t want to be there but she holds her head high. So beautiful and classy compared to the witches she has to sit by. Laura Bush and Hilary are horrible demonic creatures. And of course Mike Pence sitting behind the big guys traitor that he is. Obama is a force of destruction and pure evil. He will get his at some point.Donald looks very comfortable compared to the rest Ha ha ha!

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Very Plausible! Of course I wonder about all the rumors of Actors, Masks, Clones, and Treasonous SOB's already having their Tribunal and Executed. If that is a BO clone and if he still has any power, I wonder how far up the ladder he is? Or is it the Original BO? In either case, Is he in charge of the US side of Deep State as many suspect, and if so, what a place to Do Business but the only place where they can be at with a cordial front! I don't have answers, but I sure do expect much, much more has already happened behind the Scenes! Clean out is happening - Swamp is Being Drained, and I suspect there are stragglers to be dealt with. Why could Big Mike not cut the vacation short and attend? That is fishy - really suspicious to me anyway.

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Interesting observations. The only one there with a peaceful appearance is Melania. The rest are fidgeting. I wonder what Obama was saying.🤔

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Don't you just know it ! Ha Ha Ha Ha. Day- aa-o!! They know that DJT knows and has the goods on each of them. Remember the "book" the FBI raid was looking for? The raid production was just that. Optics. Further disgrace for the FBI. DJT has the book. Much more to come.

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Enlarge the graphic on Melania's collar.

Ahh, the Gates of Hell https://sandrarose.com/2025/01/social-media-speculates-on-the-meaning-behind-melanias-valentino-dress/

"Lovers with roses (andrenochrome and Monarch)


no less!

Well well, looks like a head shot of satan hussien and below kek holding with frog feet lunging for ? (the obama bait)🐸

First Lady gently trolling the demons thru fashion.

Love this post Clandestine.

PS where the fag is big mike?

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Thankyou for the message in Melania's dress. I've never seen her in such an outfit or wwith her hair in an updo. Now that I know the messaging I can only say it was fitting attire for one in the company of the Devil. She is a very shrewd woman

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The California wildfires just broke me. I just sat and sobbed at what has happened to California and our nation under these demonic figures. And I count Obama as one of the worst. This BS cannot continue. These figures need to be put in prison forever. And that includes Gavin Newscum. This is all so heartbreaking as well as enraging. The only silver lining in all of this is it seems like Democrats in California finally waking up now that their own homes have burned down. That their capitulation came at the expense of all of the dead people and dead wildlife and dead peoples pets is almost too much to fathom.

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Sep 9 2020 4639

17:29:25 (EST)

"What happens when CA is in serious debt and lost priority aid??"

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Yes Fredo, we all know who it was...

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Oh this is good - they are so dang uncomfortable while Boss DJT delivers his words to Obammy in a stage whisper.

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So interesting to see them all looking so nervous.

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Melania is awesome. She's listening and observing. Those other ladies from the coven are idiots. She does more with a look and doesn't need to say anything. I am so proud she is our First Lady 💓 ❤️ 💗

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Cope harder. They play for the same team. It’s professional wrestling.

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Can you write about SmartLA2028?

Thanks much

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