Crimes against humanity. These wars will only continue unless those responsible are brought to justice and held accountable.

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Pretty hilarious!!!

He’s hoping by being conciliatory now he won’t be punished too harshly.

Will he be forced to return his estate(s) in France, or wherever they are? What about his wife’s expensive purchases in Paris?

Now to the hard part; what about our congressman’s windfall from promoting this debacle?

Victoria Nuland? Blackrock?

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Victoria Nuland needs to be retired. Then Eugene and Alexander Vindman, who disclosed private conversation between Trump and then President Porchenko need to be called to account.

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The Ukraine debacle is the responsibility of the USA . The USA sponsored coup in 2014 to have its way was the tipping point. The USA has a history of creative trouble making to get it's way without taking responsibility for its actions, always blaming someone else for its actions. In this case, Putin .

Trump and Vlad can end the madness in a ten minute telephone call. Better yet, meet with Vlad personally. Russia was an ally in both World Wars. It can be once again. OMG, the Germans will come unglued. My father's parents left Germany for a reason.

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Gravy train hit a wall

Babylonian $$ majic in free fall

#17 has it ALL

When Gitmo Gates Hussien Hillary where is Huma??

Are PUBLICALLY captured/killed

I'll rest easier still

Z's a zionist money laundering tick.

Tick tock Nato/Otan time is running out ...

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