Everyone who wore a Ukraine flag pin or signed Z's Ukraine flag in the US Congress including the fake news and Resident Biden and his administration need to be audited NOW !

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Firing squad for Z.

Money laundering operation for the Biden cartel and the Donkey 🫏 colleagues.

Really Z?

You are so full of shit.

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With no last cigarette.

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Z has always only been a pawn in a much bigger game. And he didn't even play his part well.

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SOMEbody made off like a bandit...Which includes Z himself! Everybody connected to this has committed multiple crimes against humanity!!

BTW, for anyone struggling to see the English translation of what he said, here's what I got from Google Translate.

"Look, I hear, and I used to hear, and today we hear from the US that America gave Ukraine hundreds of billions. 177, to be more precise. That was the exact figure that was supported or voted for by Congress, etc. various organizations. Look, I'm telling you as the president of a warring country, we received more than 75.

"That is, 100 billion out of these 177 or 200, some people even say, we never received. And this is important. Because we are talking about specific things. Because we received it not with money, but with weapons. We received weapons for 70 or something billion. There is education, training, there are additional... Transportation. There is not only the price of weapons, there were humanitarian programs, social, etc.

"But when they say that Ukraine received 200 billion during the war to support the army, etc., it is not true. I don't know where all this money is."

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That POS knows exactly where it all went and where it has been going. I would be very happy to see him in a courtroom. This clown is a grifter of the highest order.

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Holy FUUCK "We Caught Them All"

Traitorous filth deserve death.


They stole 2020 from you. You set the trap, and the snakes fell right in.

So, WE THE PEOPLE are ripped off by USA corp CIA (177 billion 🐸)

laundered to Z who launders to ccp who gave to WHO who gave to ngos --

Eco Health Alliance, gavi bill gates, usaid uc davis, scripps la jolla, metabiota, chan zuckerber biohub

-- which gave CDC (to MURDER the golden gooses that would be we humans with souls)

trickled down to hunter then slo joe then back to z??

Firing squads NOW.

PS and the Russians are involved somewhere in this rot. Excellent Detective work Clandestine -- HERO.

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Ukraine has been corrupt for over a decade. Globalist money laundering op. Europe has been playing the Ukraine slot machine too.

About time the operation is fully exposed and broken up with massive fines levied against those individuals who participated in the schemes.

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Yes, what a massive scam. In actuality, crimes against humanity & treason committed by Americans involved, starting with no name, Obama, Kerry, Biden’s, etc. Treason and crimes against humanity come with a death sentence. Hmm…soon to be 30k more beds available at GITMO. Senate illegals back from whence the hey came and put the traitors there. (I suspect this is the plan.)

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This is the first verse of the first chapter of the first end time prophet of God, Enoch…. “These are the words of the blessing of Enoch, to bless the elect and righteous,[ i] who will be living in the day of Tribulation, when all the wicked and godless will be destroyed.”

— Ancient Book of Enoch by Ken Johnson

We are living in perhaps the most amazing moments of change in history. So, get right with Jesus and pray for Trump daily. The Justice Train is rolling.

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Holy smokes people. Have you priced pool toys lately? But really, we all knew this was happening. We need to hire some of the receipt checkers from Wal Mart. I bet they wouldn't let 100 billion slide out the door. And you can wear the same green pullover you want; we know there is more than one Gucci suit in your closet.

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No fooling? So, this is the stench from the dead rat behind the refrigerator that Vicky left before leaving town. Who would have ever thought...?

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Unfortunately, there are still a lot of knuckleheads who believe the Ukraine intervention was some highly moral and necessary endeavor. In actuality, Ukraine is the money, human trafficking, and drug trafficking capital of the European region. And anyone who doesn't believe that hasn't done their research.

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Unfortunately due to media lies, many western ex-military believed it was a moral and right thing to do and found out too late and died realizing they had been betrayed by their own


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