Many Deep State players involved. The usual like Obama, Hillary, Victoria Nuland, the Central Banks, NATO, Pentagon, Military Industrial Complex. Obama overthrew the Ukraine Government in a Coup in 2015 and installed this perverted comedian.

The sick, stupid, wealthy, media, sheeple, Hollywood and Left bow to him. Understand one simple thing. Trump and Putin will fight the Deep State.

Time for President Trump to get us out of NATO UN WHO and any other that wants Global Depopulation.

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2014 is when Nuland and Co. pulled the coup. They installed Poroshenko first.

That's when Lady Graham, No Name, Amy Klobachar and the woman ambassador went over there and congratulated the new Nazi regime and gave them their blessing. And the money laundering began. We have photos and video.

The piss ant wasn't in office until Trump's first term, remember the Dems impeached Trump over a phone call.

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The other thing most forget is the origins of Crossfire Hurricane began in the Ukraine. It’s amazing how much corruption has roots in the Ukraine. Now we witness all of the posturing from the EU wanting to put Boots on the ground and France threatening to put Nukes in Germany. Time to get out of NATO and the worthless UN.

Semper Fidelis

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I have the feeling it’s not going end well for billions.

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I'm on your sub Tony. Looks like you have a lot of the same info.

I've been following what's been going on there since the coup.

we're on the same page.

I really don't post on substack, I only got on because Clandestine turned off his comments on TG. Too many trolls to clean up daily.

But, I wanted to continue being able to comment on Clandestine's posts.

I've been following him for a few years now.

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LMAO! The more the guy opens his mouth, the more he sticks his foot in it. Serves Obama & Co. right for picking such an idiot as their mole.

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Today Trump announced that he is on good terms with Russia and Putin - he is stating that he is not on the EU/Nazi Ukraine side and I don't think he really cares. I foresee a false flag that we cannot play into - they will do anything to drag us in. Interesting that No. Korea opened their borders to tourism today. Seems like there is a lot more peace going on in the world than we are being told. Perhaps we are seeing the final fight of the cornered globalists after all. Now, what will China do? USA, China, Russia and each of our allies make for strange bedfellows for the elites. We live in interesting times.

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Ww3 -- ain't happening.

Nato membership? Maybe, but then Z bites the dust and EU implodes.

Hasta la vista Euro,

Gold to the moon :-)

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Caught it. But no leverage, not in the cards anyway. EU on its way out, too.

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You are absolutely correct, Sir.

Z has a job waiting for him at GITMO. VIP House Guest and lead toilet 🚽 cleaner.

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