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Victory is Contagious


I frequently see many in the pro-Trump media space, saying not to be too confident, and don’t share polls/markets that show Trump winning, because it will make voters complacent and not show up to vote, etc.

I think it’s the exact opposite.

Victory is contagious. People are much more willing to take part in the game, if they think they are going to win.

People commonly repeat “act like we are 10 points down”. How does that motivate the fence-sitters to go to the polls? This will make people feel defeated. People want to feel like their vote matters. Like they are a part of something significant. People want to win.

If anything, I’d say this recent surge in Trump popularity and positivity is creating MORE Trump voters, because the stigma around Trump is dying. People are not afraid to openly support Trump anymore. The movement is infectious. Our confidence and vibes draw people towards us, and humans are naturally inclined to default towards the group. Liking Trump is cool now.

Spreading positivity does not make us complacent. I think it creates more voters, by making us look more appealing to the undecideds, and motivating the disgruntled non-voters who feel like their vote does not matter. We give them hope that this time, things could be different.

I don’t care what anyone says. Trump is winning, and if you want to be part of history, you will join us and vote Trump.

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